Episode 32 - K-Bunny👽

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is always
a glimmer
in those
who have been
through the dark."



The whirring turned louder, my screams raging along.

"Leave me!"

"I'll never leave you!"

"You'll be marked forever!"




Kate gasped, her heart beating faster as she tried to regain her breathing.

She wiped her face, annoyed at the fact that her hand shook as she did.

"The dead don't come back. Don't let them haunt you."

"Don't let them haunt you," she whispered as she patted her forehead.

"They have no power over you."

"No power."

"Go back to sleep."

Who was she kidding? Even after a year, the incident was fresh in her mind.

She knew her mind had tricked her into believing that she was strong.

But her heart, which quickened its pace every time she had a bad dream, screamed that she was weak.

Nothing but a weak, little girl.

She shook her head, clutching a fistful of her curls. I'm not a bloody weakling.

She hit her forehead, her curls dancing with the movement.

In the dark, her silhouette looked like a bear, all credit to the mass of her hair.

Would the pain ever go away?

Would the memories ever stop haunting?

She pulled up her long sleeve, glancing at her arm which was always hidden.

It was hidden from everyone.

And what could be more painful? She hid it from herself too.

Was she tagged as a coward if she hid what made her afraid?

Would the memories stop haunting if her arm was hidden?

Those horrible moments were engraved in her heart like something carved on stone.

Neither could that be washed away, nor forgotten.

With a sigh, she placed her head on the pillow but stopped.

The wetness felt against her inner thigh made her groan.

"Mother nature," she whispered, her soft whines emitted till she reached the bathroom.


A mix of three different fragrances filled the twins' room.

Kate was found spraying herself with deodorant, her other hand stuffed her scalp with talcum powder.

She huffed annoyedly as she put more and more talcum powder and combed her hair simultaneously.


"Give me that." Elena glared at her through her watery eyes and coughed.

Kate gave her a sheepish grin. She snatched the talcum powder from her sister and poured more handfuls on her hair.

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