Episode 23 - Part Revelations👽

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"The empty, the angry, the lonely, the tricked, we are all museums of fear."

-Charles Bukowski


"Great! Now because of you, my only best friend is mad at me," Ivan spat, his eyes seemed to burn in blue flames as he glared at Kate.

His cheeks reddened, his breathing quickened and his nostrils flared. His eyes turned stone-like-exactly the way they were when the twins had hugged him on the first day.

"Great job, Russos."

"Van, stop it."

Elena had a glare of her own, one that felt and looked like hot coffee. She grabbed Ivan's jaw in between her thumb and index finger, turning his warm face towards her.


"That's enough! You started this, Van. You can't blame my sister without knowing the reason. Do you--"

"I don't care," Ivan interrupted her with a clipped tone. He removed her fingers from his clenched jaw. "I just need my play to be perfect. That's it."

"Do you have any idea what you're talking about?" Elena asked incredulously, his words like piercing needles, pricked her harshly.

She caught a glimpse of Kate who stood there quietly, listening to their argument with a pained expression on her pale face.

Kate was like a glass doll that needed to be handled with care. If broken, the shards would definitely hurt those who wanted to fix her... deeper each time.

Elena felt hurt. Ivan's lashing out at her little twin wasn't what she wanted.

She thought of Max who today, for the first time, was seen in anger... because of Kate. Who knew, he probably would be hurt too.

Why did he fight with his best friend just to defend her sister? She had no answer to that, but she surely wanted to know.

"The caring part or the play part?" Ivan repeated, snapping his fingers in her face to bring her out of her thoughts.

"The caring part."

"Why should I?" he asked bitterly, his eyes shifting to Kate. "You tell me, why should I?"


"Ever since you both have come into my life, it has been a mess. I don't need storms in it."

"Especially since it's rocky already," he whispered, but the twins heard him perfectly.

"What do--"

"You have done enough already and now you drive Max away," he said with an angry sigh.

"Great, just great," he whispered and walked away with a shake of his head.

Kate after giving Elena a brief unhappy glance, sauntered towards the small steps, her feet moving at the pace of a snail.

Perhaps their movement was slowed down by all the turmoil in her mind. Her ears echoed with what Ivan, their childhood bestie, said about them now.

Elena strode towards her but was stopped when Sarah held her arm.

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