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++ Chresanto ++

The day was early as I woke up and sat up in my bed rubbing me eyes. Damn I was tired as hell. I'm never the tupe to want to go to school in the morning.

I pulled myself out of bed and stretched my hands up in thr air as I walked myself to the bathroom. I ran the shower water and watched as the water ran smoothly.

I stripped my clothes and stepped in the shower letting the water hit my rough skin. I tensed up alittle because the water felt hot. I eased up a little and held my head back under, and let the water pound against my skin.

" Chres get out the damn shower ", My sister Naya yelled while banging on the door.

" No dammit I'm in here so you gone have to wait", I spat back at her.

I heard her let a sigh before I didn't heat anything else from her. I'm assuming she left.?

I quickly turned the shower water off and stepped out. Wrapping the towel around my waist and walking out the bathroom.

++ Jacob ++

It was so beautiful just to sit there and admire the garden that we had in the back yard. All the rose pedals, all the lillies and lilacs were simply amazing.

"Hijo your friend is here to give you a tide to school", my mom said with her soft voice.

"Gracias mama ill be out in a few", I said with a smile.

I examined the flowers before I exited the back yard with peace bag in hand.

"Hey jakey", Chres said while opening the car door for me.

"Hello Chresanto", I said smiling feom ear to ear.

I got in the car and placed my bag on my lap looking out the window as we drove to school.

When we arrived at school we both got out, and I placed my peace bag over my shoulders once more. Chres wrapped his arm around my neck, ad I wrapped mines around his waist.

When we got inside I let go of his waist and drug myself to my locker.

"Hey jay", my friend Mysty said while walking up to me.

"Hey what's up ", I said while bringing her into a warm hug and pecking her on the lips in a friendly way.

"Nothing much just seeing if you wanted to come yo this party on Friday", she said excitedly.

I hadn't been to a party in awhile so maybe it would be fun. I slightly shook my head.

"Great party starts at 9 be there", she said pecking my lips again and then walking off.

I gathered all my stuff out my locker and turned around to see Chres looking dumb founded.

"Chres what's wrong", I said concerned.

"Why'd you kiss her", he said with hurt in his voice.

" It wasn't a kiss it was a peck in a friendly way. Why are you acting like this", I said.

He looked like he had been crushed, like he was hurt really.

" I'm not acting like anything", he said crossing his arms. " I just saw you kiss her".

Why does he care if I kissed her or not. It's none of his business. He knows that he's my bestest friend ever and no one can replace him.

" Why does it matter if I did or didn't ", I said folding my arms.

" You know what Perez ughh..", he said slamming his fist on the locker next to me then storming off.

What's his problem?

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