I Hate You

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++ Chresanto ++

My Saturday is just splendid. My head hurts, there's nothing to do, and Jacob kissed me. Great 3 things to worry about.

I laid there in bed staring up at the ceiling couting how many small circles rested on the ceiling of room.

I began thinking about what Jacob said to me earlier. I guess I do forgive him and I kinda over reacted, but it hurts to not be accepted. I'm hiding myself away from the real world.

I decided to pick up my phone and call Jacob. It actually was time for us to talk. Not talking to him, and ignoring him was honestly depressing me.

The phone rang 2 times before I heard his soft voice on the other end.


Jacob: Hello...

Chres: Hey um I wanted to talk.

Jacob: Finally.. I've been wanting to talk to you forever.

Chres: *laughs* Yea I'm sorry for being an asshole.

Jacob: No.. no its fine. I was in the wrong and I'm sorry.

Chres: Its alright Jakey. Lets talk more..meet me at the cliff top. Ok?

Jacob: Ok.

End of Phone convo

I must admit I did do a little dance inside when we talked. Just talking for the slightest second made me feel good.

I laid my head back on my pillow , and put my arms behind my head wishing to myself that when i see him everything will be good and ok.

" Chresanto come downstairs for a minute ", I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I growned at the fact that she was always calling my name to do something, but never my sister.

" Here I come ", I yelled back down to her.

I jumped out of bed a little annoyed and jogged down the stairs. I peeked my head around the corner to see that my moms was sitting on the couch comfortably with her legs crossed .

" Uh so what you want ?", I said standing in the middle of the room looking at her.

She looked at me as if I were crazy for saying that. I mean that look didn't even bother me any more. If she wasn't going to tell me what's up then I was going to take my happy ass abck upstairs to get dressed to meet up with Jacob.

" Well actually Mr. Smartpants I was going to tell you that Ms. Latimore wants you to go over there to go talk to Jake", My mom said. " She says he's been down ".

I can't belive this .. I would have to cancel on Jacob just to go see Latimore. I bet he's not even that down and his mother is too dumb to see that he's fucking with her head. I mean that's my bro and all but he is just uh uh!!

" Nah ma I can't today", I said standing my ground .

"And what plans are more important than being there for a friend", My mom said raising her eyebrow up at me. "What kind of friend?"

" Alright , alright fine damn", I snapped back.

My moms did some weird snap thing with her neck , but I just walked away and went upstairs to my room. I planned on still meting up with Jacob I just had to make this shit quick with Latimore. Damn fucking my plans up all the time. Whatever Im going to prrove that I'm a good friend.

I quickly stripped my clothes and threw on my blue and black converses , with my black armani shirt , and true religion jeans. Looking at myself in the mirror , I smiled thinking that I looked good for tonight. I grabbed my car keys that sat atop my dresser and walked down the stairs.

Baller for love {Royce}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon