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++ Jacob ++

I watched as my long lost best friend ran down the hall way out the door. Was it wrong for me to do that ? I dont even know what i want any more. This is all just.. just too much for me to handle. When will he ever forhgive me? Or has he already ? I dont know.

" Aahh Mr. Perez there you are I've been waiting for you", Ms. Bottom said walking down the hallway towards me.

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked me up and down.

" So what about my test grade", I asked curious.

She kept a straight face and lead e down the hall way to her class. I felt alot of tention and worried because i studied so hard for that test, and if my grade was bad i would be upset at myself.

"Have a seat", ms. bottom directed me to an empty desk.

She dug around in her drawer until she pulled out a white packet. I'm assuming it was my test. I patiently folded my arms across my chest and waited for her to speak.

"Eermm it has come to my attention that you have done poorly on your test for this class", She said smacking the paper flat on the desk.

I was staring at a paper that had a fat ass D on it. A D really? I did that bad.

"Um there has to be a mistake Ms.Bottom I couldn't have done this poorly I studied my ass off", I said becoming annoyed.

She raised her eye brow up at me for using the language thay I just did, but I didn't care. I can't sit here and act like in ok with this when I'm not.

"There is no mistake, you got what you got", she tried to explain.

I vigorously tapped my foot against the floor becoming annoyed, and irritated. She's tryna tell me that I actually did bad. I couldn't have.

I took long stares at the paper trying to figure out why it was me that got a D. I studied so hard. My blood boiled when I seen the last thing I would want to see.

I inched my eyes closer to the spot that same Name: on it. What the fuck? it looks like someone erased their name and used mines, but I couldn't make out who did it.

"You know what I'm not accepting this grade this isn't even my paper.", I said crossing my arms. "Someone erased their name off the paper and put names,  how low? ".

Ms.bottom tilted her glasses down at me and grabbed the test off the desk, eye balling what I had just told her.

"Indeed you are right", Ms. bottom said. "We will get to the bottom of this on Monday".

I slightly shook my head at her and leaned back in my seat.

"So are we done here", I said wanting to get away from any and everything.

"Yes, you may go now", Ms. bottom said motioning me to the door.

I walked out the classroom upset at the fact someone wanted to switch papers. When I find out who did it, will hear it from me. Seriously.

??? POV

Once I tell Coach Carter about this there will be no more Chresanto August, star of the basket ball team. Ill have my dream. To be on top of everyone including Chresanto. No one wants to pay attention to me. That's alright we will see who comes out laughing next. Chresanto is not innocent and I will prove it. I will prove he's gay. Oh how many laughs he will get. Ha we will see.

I confidently walked to Coach Carter's office and knocked.

Haha Cliff hanger or nah.

Tell me what you think (: I absolutely love you guys feed back.

1. Who do you think the person is?

2. What you think gone happen next?

Just questions to think about.

Tell me what you guys think (:

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