Chapter 20

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Jacob L

I sat at the lunch table laughing my ass off. I glanced at the picture that was on my mouth. Wow I've never seen something so funny before.I held onto my stomach and tried to force my laughter back in but that didn't help.

"Yo look at this ", I said showing Craig the picture that I had been laughing at for the past 10 minutes.

He leaned over the table and took a glance at the picture and then flew back in his chair busting out in laughter. I knew he would think it was as funny as I thought it was. Tears formed on the brim of his eyes as he cracked up. my stomache was starting to hurt but I couldn't stop. Just to think i captured this picture makes it even funnier.

"Wait til Chres sees this ", Craig said with tears running down his face.

I nodded my head in agreeance and slid my phone back into my pocket. I saw Jacob walk in which caught me off guard. I tapped Craig on the shoulder and motioned him to look behind him to look at Jacob.  He sat up in his seat and made a kissy face with his lips. I bust out in laughter as I pointed my freehand finger out at him. He saw me and craig laughing and walked over to our table.

He looked like he wanted to be tough. I stopped laughing and crossed my arms against my chest.

"What you want", I said with a raised eyebrow.

"You Asshole", he spat at me while pounding his fist inot the desk. 

His actions made Craig stop laughing and look at him with a straight face .

"Yo don't be coming over here acting all tough you lil bitch boy", Craig yelled at Jacob.

Jacob rolled his eyes in disgust and crossed his arms over his chest. I can't lie I really was lost at that moment as to why would he come over at my table thinking he's about to confront one of us.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about bastard", He said while gritting his teeth.

I scratched the top of my head and licked my lips. I looked at Craig shrtug confused too.

"Why'd you take the picture you jerk", Jacob spat while brushing some curls away from his face.

"Ohhh that picture", i said while winking and busting out in laughter .

Me and Craig continued our sharade of laughter. I didn't even know he knew I took it. Now that he knows there's no need in hiding it. I took my phone out my pocket and unlocked the code that was on phone. I went to my camera roll and scrolled up to the picture that was making me and Craig die right about now.

"Son of a--", Jacob started to say before I cut him off by showing him the picture.

"This one", I showed him while snickering.

It was a picture of a chick at Target that was big and fat. her pants was hanging off her ass and she had her lips formated in some kid of kissy duck face. I saw Jacob shift from side to side and fiddle around with his curls .

"Oh never mind sorry", he said with a shaky voice.

I raised my eyebrow up at him getting confused again.

"What picture were you talking about", I asked with curiosity.

"Nothing forget it", he said while walking over away from me and Craig's table.

I Kanye shrugged my shoulders and slipped my phone back into my pocket. I wasn't sure of what picture that Jacob was referring to but now I know I can get to him with it. When I find it it's over for him.


I can't believe I almost accused J.L of taking that picture of me and Chres. I wouldv'e made things worse. I wander if chres knows about the picture.

I walked over to my table and pulled my seat out. I sat there at the lunch table with my head down fiddlig with my hands and trying to keep up with my heart's beating pace. i felt someone rub their hands on my back. I popped my head up and turned around to see that it was Chres. he had a small grin plastered on his perfect face with his arms out like he was waiting for me to stand and give him a hug.

i looked around the cafeteria and I could tell that we were catching a few eyes that saw the picture of course. they were probably expecting us to kiss and cuddle up next to each other. I always told Chres he never wanted to claim me in that type of way but now I was thinkig of not even aknowledging his hug and just pulling his seat out so he can hurriedly sit down. All this attention that we were getting was starting to give me anxiety.

"Maybe later Chres', I said while grabbing his arm and yanking him into a seat next to mines, but not too close.

he scrunched his face up at me and brushed that nice smile that he had on his face off.

"Oh so I can't get a hug from my best friend now ", He said trying to be sarcastic.

I sighed a little and pulled my hair back into a pony tail.

Not when everyone thinks you're my boyfriend ..I silently thought in my head .

Maybe he hasn't seen the picture yet but I know when he does he's goingot be upset. Way upset. maybe even more upset with himself for even thinking of kissing me . The thought of his regret maee me wince in agony. 

"So why were you with those mean lookinhg security guards again", i said trying to change the subject.

He didn't seem to notice me changing the subject. He looked excited to tell me about why he was in handcuffs earlier.

"Well see.. I was in class and I asked to go to the bathroom but then some dude named Chris made a sly comment at me so i beta his ass", he said soundig excited.\

I can't believe Chres beat some kid up over a small little comment. I thought he would be the chilled one.

"Why though", i asked him in confusion.

"Because people need to know who their king a matter  of fact--", Chres said while standing on top of the table.

Whoa whoa what is he doing . He's drawing too much attention over here now.Can he please sit down. Can he please sit down.

i grabbed him by his leg and tried to pull him down.

"Chres stop get down please", i said trying to get him to take his seat again.

He shook my hand off his leg and cleared hsi throat making everyone stop talking and look over at him.

" Atttention, Attention I wanted to bring it to everyones attention that I Chresanto August have decided to accept the offer of being this schools king", he said with a sinister smile.

I silently beat my head up against the table and prayed to the heavens that they would strike his ass down off the table.

Some began to snicker and laugh and some nodded their head as they were too afraid to think other wise .

"Kings aren't fags though", Someone blurted out making half of the lunch room burst out into uncontrolledlaughs.

he balled his fist up and raised his eyebrow up.

Please lord save me now..

Tadaa done with another .. It's getting juicey.

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