Chapter 7

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A/N: sorry for not updating for so long. I'm running out of idea for this story. So I'm gonna go with the flow. I hope you like it. Let's get to the story now!


Previously on Chapter 6

The rest of the day went by with Enoch taking care of me. From feeding to constantly changing the cold fabric on my forehead. What would I do without Enoch.

I don't deserve Enoch. All I ever did was being a burden to him. Constantly waking him from the rest he deserves because of the past that kept haunting my dreams, turning them into a horrible nightmare



It's been a week after having a constant nightmare. It took me the whole week to recover from my sickness.

Last night was the first night, I'm able to sleep without any nightmare haunting me. I'm finally able to sleep peacefully.

I woke up in the morning. It's still the same day as always. September 3rd 1943. So there won't be much of a different. I look around the room, to see that Enoch is no where in sight. I guess he's already awake.

I got up and walk towards the bathroom to get ready for the day. Sometimes the nightmare would come and haunt me. But it's not that bad anymore.

As I take a shower. My mind drift of to Enoch. 'Enoch.... I feel like I don't deserve you. All I ever do was be a burden to you' I thought as tears stream down my cheeks. I'm wouldn't be surprise if someday he'll get tired of me and leave me for someone else. Olive... She's a better match for Enoch than I am. But deep down in my heart... I really wish he wouldn't, I really wished he would always stay with me. As selfish as it sound, but I love him so much.

I sigh and turn the shower off. I dry myself with a towel and wrap the towel around my body. I get out of the cubicle and walk over to the mirror in the bathroom. Then I start to dress myself.

After that's done, I walk out of the bathroom and head towards the yard. I'm not hungry so I'm just gonna skip breakfast.

When I get to the yard, I take a seat under a tree. I lean my head on the tree and look up at the sky. My mind drifted off to my Sister and my parents. I really miss them... I wish I never had this ability. My Sister would've still be here with me if I didn't have it.

Enoch P.O.V

I walk towards Y/N's room, with a tray of food for Y/N. I open the door and give it a little knock before opening it. "Y/N... I brought you some brea-" I stopped mid sentence when I notice the room is empty.

The tray drop from my grasp and I took of running, not caring about the mess. I need to find Y/N.

I keep running around, asking each peculiars if they have seen Y/N around. But not of them did. 'Where could she be?' I thought to myself. Only one place I haven't look yet. The yard.

I run out of the house and start looking around the yard for any sign of Y/N. After a while, I finally found her sitting under a tree. She seem to be deep in thought. I pant as I start walking towards her. When I get in front of her, she looks up at me. I notice the tears streaming down her face.

I move to kneel in front of her. I cup her cheek softly and wipe away the tears. "You make me so worried, Y/N. Why did you went of without telling anyone?" I asks her, gently. But she stayed silent and continue to stare at me. I sigh and take a seat next to her. Then we sit in silent.

"Why?" I heard her asks, after a few moments of silent. I turn to her confused. "What do you mean 'why?' Y/N. Is there something wrong?" I asks her. She turns her face to look at me. Fresh tears is still streaming down her cheeks. "Why do you choose me, Enoch? Why do you even bother to love me?" She asks me. "Why are you asking these types of question? Where did that come from?" I asks her. She shook her head and looks away from me. I move to grab her shoulders and turn her to me. "Y/N... Why did you asks these question? What happens?" I asks, in a really worried tone.

"Enoch... I'm nothing but a burden to you... I don't deserve you, you deserve someone better than me. Someone like Olive" she said. She gently took my hand off her shoulder and get up. She walks away, leaving me in shock by her statement.

'Why is she acting like this? What's happening to her? Is she... Breaking up with me?' Is what on my mind as I look at her retreating figure in the distance.



I'm really sorry Enoch. You have every right to hate me. After all you've done for me, that's what I said to you... I'm such a terrible person.

It's time for dinner. I just sit there, eating in silent. I didn't talk at all. After dinner, Miss Peregrine allows us to do anything we want.

I left the room and starts walking around. I sit on the beach and look up at the sky. I hug my knees closer to my chest. If it's possible.... If I could wish for one thing... I'd wish to just disappear from this world. All I could ever do is make people suffer. My peculiarity is what I hate the most.

It's starting to get really late. So I got up and head back. I don't want to get a scold from Miss Peregrine.

As I almost reach the mansion, I heard talking near by. Curious... I decided to check it out. But I instantly wish I didn't. The sight in front of me is what I've always expect to happen. Enoch and Olive, they're kissing. I was about to walk away and just leave them be, but I accidentally steps on a twig. They pull away from each other and looks at me.

"Sorry for interrupting... Please continue, I'll leave now. I hope she makes you happy Enoch" I said, smiling despite the tears that's streaming down my cheek.

"Y/N wait!" Enoch said. "Let her leave Enoch. She's nothing but a monster. She doesn't deserve you" Olive said. I stop dead in my track. My eyes widened as I starts to shake. "Olive! Don't talk to her like that?!" Enoch yells at her. I turn around and looks at them, but mostly at Enoch. I shook my head "no... She's right, Enoch. I'm a monster. I'm the Angel of Death. Everyone fears me. She's right... I don't deserve you" then I turn to Olive. "Be happy Olive. I don't have the mood to collect your soul. Enoch would be heart broken if I do. You better make him happy. If you make him upset even the slightest bit, I'll make you die in the worst way possible" I say, glaring at her. I turn around fully and walk away.

*to be continued*

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