"Football is a Man's Sport" My Derriere. (6)

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this one's for TheAlomstEMO 

hope you enjoy it!



"Sharks are as tough as those football fans who take their shirts off during games in Chicago in January, only more intelligent."  

--Dave Barry

I was washing my plate. My mother had outdone herself with the tacos and I am proud to say that I out-ate Tyler. I listened to what my mom was saying and nearly broke the plate.

"Liz'll be glad to take you home, Kale."

One, two, three, four, five, six.... Someone once suggested that I count when I was mad, so that's what I was doing now. And it was working. When I was calm enough I rinsed my plate and walked to the table, sitting back in my spot.

"Why do I have to take him home?" I asked.

My dad answered for my mom. "Three reasons. One, he's here because of you. Two, you don't have anything to do. And three, I like the kid so I'm not about to let him walk home in the dark. Now go get your shoes on."

He gave me the joker smile and I groaned, pushing away from the table and going to get my Converse. They were black and blue with little yellow stars all over them. I slid on a hoodie as well because it was still raining. When I got back, Kale was standing by the door waiting. I made a sweeping motion with my hand and he opened it.

"Wait!" Jayden ran up to him, her little legs pumping. She hugged his knees and looked up at his face. "You'll come back and play dress up with me right?" This was the part when he would shake his head, laugh and say, 'you'll never see me again'. But he looked and my mom. And she nodded and smiled. And he looked back at Jayden. And said...

"I'll be back tomorrow."



Even Gabe looked like he was okay with the whole situation. Kale looked at me and flinched.

"Kale, I think we should go now." I said in a abnormally calm voice. I was three seconds away from taking a bag of potatoes and conking my family over the head. He nodded and opened the door for me. I grabbed the SUV keys out of the bowl and walked out to the car. I started it up and put on the heat, watching Kale as he made his way to the car. If I hit him or yelled at him, that would be wrong, because he saved me a trip to heaven today. So I would save it for tomorrow. I didn't utter a single word when he climbed in, pulling out and turning the radio up all the way. 'Gives You Hell' by the All American Rejects was on.

What a coinsedence.

We just drove for a while. Finally, he huffed (like a little girl) and shut off the radio. "We're going the wrong way."

"I'm waiting for you to direct me." I said.

"Fine. Turn around."

I made a wild u-turn and I swear I heard him squeak. The tires squealed and I straightened.

"ARE YOU INSANE!?!" He yelled. I thought about it. I lived in a house full of teenagers and a dad who thought football was just for men, my bestfriend could ruin me if I gave her right motive. And I was trying out for the football team when school got back in. So, I honestly answered, "Possibly."

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