"Football is a Man's Sport" My Derriere. (20)

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hey, Big Fish is on tv right now. you can imagine how thrilled i am!


"Sasha, stop primping and get the door!"

"I can't!"

Grumbling to myself, I covered the rice and turned down the heat, wiping my hands on a towel and walking to the door. I opened it and frowned. "Um. Hi. Are you looking for Kale, Sage, or Van?"

"I was actually wondering if I could stay for the party." Kale's dad shuffled nervously. I shrugged. "Sure."


"Well, this is weird."

We all sat around the outside table, sipping iced tea and eating. There was (deep inhalation of breath), Tyler, Gabe, Gabe's girlfriend, Julia, his muscle therapist, Sasha, Jayden, my mom and dad, Bennet, Ryan, Caleb, Fred, Alejandro, and Greg, Van, Kale, Sage, Sage's boyfriend Don, and, most surprisingly, Mr.Matthews. Kale and Van and Sage's dad.

We were having a post-game party because of the game against Van's team on Friday. Bets were being placed on whether or not I'd have the goul to tackle him, and whether or not we'd win.

Everybody was joking around and it was really, really weird. Seriously. You have no idea. I just stuck with my friends. Sasha proposed a game of baseball so we all got up and made teams. We dug out the bases from the garage and went to the football field. and put them down.

It was Me, Sasha, mom, Ryan, Fred, Sage, Jayden, and my dad on one team, and Mr.Matthews, Van, Kale, Alejandro, Don, Gabe's muscle therapist (Sierra), Greg, Tyler, and Julia on the other. Bennet wasn't playing, but he was keeping score, and Gabe was the referee.

Their team won, but after a huge argument between my dad and Mr.Matthews we stopped playing. I went in to grab a drink of water and Van followed me.

"What do you make of it?" He asked. I shook my head, welcoming the cool breeze of the refrigerator against my skin. "I couldn't really tell you, bub."

I looked at him over my shoulder. "Gatorade?"

"Water please."

I straightened and handed him a bottle.

(a/n: Big Fish is ending and I'm choking back tears.)

He took it, smiling, and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks."

"Your welcome."

Some cleared their throat. "Hey, Van, let me speak to Elizabeth for a minute."

"Sure, Dad." He gave me one last smile and walked out, leaving me and his dad alone in the kitchen I folded my arms across my chest. "You wanted to talk to me?"



"Throw the game, or you and your family will pay."

I laughed in his face. I mean, come on. "Seriously dude? Really?"

"I have resources that can cause great pain and suffering."

"Football is a Man's Sport" My Derriere.Where stories live. Discover now