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|C h a n g e |

It was a perfect morning to celebrate the resume of classes and the end of the semestrial break. Those enthusiastic students (nerds as Jungkook would call them) would go to school maybe an hour earlier, then spread the whole positive vibe around everyone they meet.

Although it being a good thing, the brunette still found it unbelievable as to how can someone be so energetic in the morning especially since they were going to school.

The male also thought that it was a perfect day to skip his first class; french. French was something he personally did not like due to the fact that the teacher gives them loads of homework and that he doesn't understand a single thing. He should've picked the English class instead...

He planned to sleep in for a few hours and get to school after lunch. His parents would never know, he wouldn't let the school expose him since he has the power to shut them down.

But it seems that things won't go as plan. Jimin, who know acts as Jungkook's alarm clock, woke him up at six thirty in the morning. A very unlikely time for the younger to wake up.

"Hyuuuuuung~ I don't wanna go to school!" He whines. Jimin ignored his protest and handed him his uniform. "You never wanted me to go to school this much. Is there an issue or anything?" he wonders groggily. "I heard a new student will join my batch today. He's one of the hot topics after the break. We should invite him to our table!" Jimin says once they were both ready for school.

The younger rolled his eyes. "You're too social hyung. He might want to get away from you rather than hang out with you," he teased which earned him a pinch in the arm.

"Ah! That freaking hurts."

"Good for you."

It took them fifty minutes or so to reach the university using Jungkook's car. Creaturae was found in a place which connected the two neighbouring kingdoms. They called the area "Medium" since it was in the middle of almost...everything.
Those who belong to Viridi and Flavo kingdom, almost a five hour travel by plane to get there, stayed in the dorms instead.

"Hmm, how come he's only attending after the first semester?" The younger asks and Jimin answers with a shrug.

Must be some lonely royal~

A few dozen of deafening screams and squeals could be heard when both cousins reached the entrance of the school. Bangtan (Jungkook's group of friends) were usually the reason for the commotion. Commotion as in looking either too hot or too cute for the people around them. There is no in between.

However this time, it seems that his friends weren't the reason for the issue. "Hey, do you think it's the new kid?" the blonde asks. The brunette nods and continued to walk near the mob with Jimin following behind.

"You're a prince right?"

"Your hair looks so fluffy!"

"He looks hot..."

"But isn't he shy tho?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "People acting like nomads," he tsked. Sure he wasn't always a decent person but as a prince, he was taught how to behave properly in public. They were in a school with a high status so the students should act like royalty as well.

Oh my god that was so hypocri-

"My~ my~ Such a hypocrite," Suddenly, a blue haired male joined the two. Jimin visibly blushed when the pale individual sent him a wink.

After Jungkook finding out about the smaller's slight affection for Yoongi, he decided to invite yoonminseok -yes he just shipped those three together- to hang out on the first day of the second semester.

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