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The blonde prince was already near the double doors when he remembered that special test he had to take in Mr. Kang's class after school. He then turned his heel to the other direction and sped up his pace, not wanting the other to wait much longer.

Before he got inside,Taehyung found the opportunity to messaged Jungkook to go home without him. "Ah Mr.Kim, just on time. Take a seat and you'll find your test paper there," the teacher says once he entered the room.

Just a fifteen minute test about linear equations. No big deal right? 

He was wrong.

After the said fifteen minutes, Taehyung felt like he'd been to hell. Linear equations were easy but the value of the numbers his teacher would give was just too much for his head. "I g-got to go now Mr.Kang," he says, the teacher dismissing him with a wave.

Taehyung reached the car park and sighed. He didn't have a ride home.

Since Jungkook and him lived in the same household, they usually brought the younger's Mercedes-AMG C43 as Taehyung deemed it was much better than his car. Well, Jungkook most likely drove home by himself, forgetting that his partner had no other means of transportation besides from walking back home. He didn't want to text Baekhyun or Chanyeol to pick him up because as much as he liked having those two around, he ordered them to stop following them when they had school and dates. 

Taehyung got his face mask out and wore just for the sake of slight protection so anyone who wanted him dead wouldn't recognize him right away. The boy then started to walk a steady pace back home as he realized that standing in front of the school building while thinking of his demise won't bring him back home. 

Hm..taking a walk wasn't so bad after all

Taehyung rarely had the time to go outside and just enjoy as he was a child raised in a household who didn't know the definition of fun. Reading political histories instead of fairy tales, learning how to handle a sword than learning how to play ball, getting stuck in meetings  rather than partying or getting laid.

Yeah, great life indeed.

"Mister! Mister could you please help me?" A young boy, maybe around five years old, requested as he tugged on Taehyung's sweater. The prince crouched down to the child's level, noticing how chubby his cheeks were. "What do you need help with?" The child points towards the tree a few meters away from them. There, he saw what the younger was pointing at, a soccer ball stuck in the junction of the tree branches.

"C-can you please g-get it for me?" The young boy asks as tears began to pool in his eyes. Taehyung's eyes soften as he walked towards the tree and tip toed a little so that he could reach the branch. No doubt that he was tall so reaching the ball was not impossible. 

"Thank you Mister. I think I've seen you somewhere though," the kid says, tilting his head as if he was in deep thought. Then his eyes lit up.

"You're the prince! Uwahhh, you look so cool in real life!" Taehyung watched in amusement while the kid kept blabbering how cool he was and how he wanted to be a real prince. "Don't worry little one. You'll be a prince in your own ways yeah?" The blonde chuckles.

Picking up his soccer ball, he sends Taehyung a smile and says that he has to go back to his mom.

I wonder if Jungkook likes kids...

ROYAL REBELS ♔ tkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon