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| Adorable Pups |

Jimin sighed at the sight he was greeted upon entering his cousin's room. A half naked Jungkook and a shirt filled with vomit lying on the floor wasn't really pleasing.
"Aish..." He says and cleaned up the younger who was still very fast asleep. "I wonder what happened when I was gone," Jimin says to himself once he finished wiping Jungkook's face with a wet towel.

"Oh Jimin-ah."

The queen enters her son's room and Jimin was glad that he got to fix Jungkook up before his mother sees him in such state. "Aunt Aera, Jungkook wasn't feeling well yesterday so here he is," The brown haired male says and watched as his aunt slowly made her way to Jungkook and sat beside the sleeping male.

She caresses his cheek and as if on cue, a tear slides down the younger's face and a slight whimper left his lips. Aera's eyes soften and turns to Jimin. "Kindly tell Namjoon that the engagement party will be held next week and that him and Seokjin are invited," she whispers softly but loud enough for the other to hear.


"Oppa, you're awfully quiet today," Taehee says and shakes Taehyung by the arm who hasn't gotten up from his bed.

"Mianhe Taehee, it's just that Jungkook hasn't texted me in the past four days but I don't want to keep doing the first move cuz I might be seen as annoying! Is he avoidiㅡ"

"Oppa, calm down! You sound like a teenage girl with boy problems," The princess giggles as her older brother's face gets colored with red. In Taehyung's defence, this is his first ever relationship when he genuinely felt something although it started off as an arrange marriage.

Suddenly, a certain midget and sunshine has appeared in his room. "Yah hyungs! What are you guys doing in here?" Taehyung asks which falls onto deaf ears as both men played with Taehee.

"Omo Taehee! You've grown so much," Hoseok comments after not seeing the young princess in years for she wasn't the type to leave the house. "Hope you didn't cause much trouble to your parents like someone in this room," Yoongi says, eyeing the blonde who gulps.

Taehee turns to the prince and back to Yoongi. "What do you mean yoongie bear?"

"Your brother here decided to dye his hair without your parents' consent," Hoseok finished.

Oh crap

"But I like Oppa's hair," the black haired seven year old admits and goes near Taehyung to ruffle the blonde locks. Taehyung smiles sheepishly at his hyungs who were crossing their arms at him, a disapproving expression plastered on their faces.

"What?" Taehyung asks although he perfectly knew what he did. "Because of your reckless behavior, they hired bodyguards to monitor you!" Yoongi informs.

"T-that can't be possible! Why would they do that? I just dyed my hair!" Tears were starting to form in the prince's eyes. The fact that his parents were so disturb by the mere act of changing his hair color that drove them to hire not only one, but two bodyguards to watch over him felt outrageous. "Taehyuㅡ oh, I didn't know we were having some sort of reunion," Seokjin enters the scene, clearly shocked at the appearance of everyone right now.

"Hey Mr. Kim!"

"No need to be formal Hoseok. Just call me hyung like how you do out of school," the science teacher says and both students nod.

ROYAL REBELS ♔ tkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora