Social Menace {20}

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                "Oh- Hi Nolan!" Mrs. Strazio said.

                "Hi, Mrs. Strazio. Sorry to just show up like this. I brought Tyson some coffee," I said, holding up the drink.

                I'd taken Tyson on a date for a drink yesterday and then we'd parted. Tyson had cancelled our Social Action meeting for today, saying he had too much work to be bothered with it right now.

                "He could use it. Stupid kid of mine doesn't get enough sleep," she said, stepping aside to let me into the house. "Would you like to stay for dinner tonight?"

                "No thank you, I can eat at my Uncle's house," I said.

                "No, no, you can eat here. I'll make extra," she said, leading me into the kitchen. "Vinny! I'm forcing Nolan to stay for dinner. He can watch me kill my son."

                "What, did your beloved son toss his clothes on the floor again?" Mr. Strazio asked.

                "Yes he did, and I'm going to toss his body on the floor when I'm done with him," Mrs. Strazio said. "Nolan, please teach Tyson how to properly put clean laundry away."

                "I'll try my best," I said, waving to them before heading towards Tyson's room.

                I'd never noticed it before, but looking at Mr. Strazio, Tyson had none of his features. Tyson really only had his mom's eyes, from the shape to the color. But I'd never been looking for the similarities between him and his parents, so I'd never picked up on the fact that he looked nothing like Mr. Strazio.

                Still, Mr. Strazio had raised Tyson. He'd stepped in when Mallory had stepped out. Tyson had never truly been without a father.

                I knocked on Tyson's door. When he didn't answer, I pushed it open and peeked into his room.

                Tyson was passed out on his bed, his head cushioned by a notebook. A mess of papers was surrounding him, and he was still lightly gripping a pencil in his hand. His Braxton uniform was in a heap on the ground and he was dressed only in shorts and a T-shirt.

                I wanted him to get some rest, but I also knew he had work to get done and he shouldn't mess up his sleep schedule. I went over and lightly shook him.

                "Hm?" Tyson sleepily looked up at me, picking his head up a bit. "Nolan?"

                "I brought you coffee," I said.

                He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Shit, did I fall asleep?"

                "Dumb question from a smart guy," I said, holding the coffee out to him.

                He took it and ran a hand through his hair. "I was...doing my homework, I think. I don't even remember." He checked the time. "Damn, last time I looked at the clock it was a lot earlier. I've been out for too long."

                "Wow, it's almost like you took on far too much work and can't handle it all," I said in surprise.

                "Shut up," he said. "I can handle the work I have."

                "No, you can't. Not with Mallory involved. Tyson, you're're not acting the same. I understand why you're not, but you can't keep pretending you're fine," I said.

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