Chapter Twenty-Four: Xavier

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"HOLY SHIT! YOU BEAT ME!"Aidan yelled.

YEAH BITCHES! I did my victory dance, sticking my tongue out at Aidan. He slammed the controller, crossing his arms.

"No fair!"He pouted.

He got up and went to my tv stand.

"Want to watch it?"He said, holding up my 'Paranormal Activity' disc.

"Sure."I shrugged.

He turned on the movie, flicked the lights off, and sat down with me. Aidan scooted closer to me and the movie started.

One issue though. This movie scares the hell out of me..

*Time Lapse*

It was halfway through the movie, and i was officially about to shit myself. I was literally shaking. Aidan noticed and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I nuzzled my head into his chest, closing my eyes.

I didn't even acknowledge the movie anymore, and i was slowly drifting to sleep.

"Goodnight Xavier."Was all I heard before i went under.

~The Next Day~

I awoke to hearing someone call my name.

"Xavier, wake up."I heard.

I looked up to see my mom standing in the doorway, smiling. I realized i had fallen asleep with my head on Aidan's chest, and i blushed.

"Hey, mom."I said, smiling a bit.

"Who's this?"She said quietly, gesturing to Aidan, who was still asleep.

"He's my friend. His name is Aidan."I explained.

"Oh.. I thought.."She trailed off.

"Mom, no.."I blushed, shaking my head.

"Oh, alright. Well you boys come down for breakfast soon. I have to go to work in an hour, so you guys can just stay here while i'm gone i suppose. Have fun guys."She smiled before closing my door and walking back downstairs.

I laughed lightly.

"Aidan, wake up."I said, shaking his shoulder.

"Mm.."He mumbled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

"Aidan.. We have to go get breakfast."I said hesitantly.

To be honest, i'd rather lay here with Aidan than get up anyways..

"Ugh, fine.."He said, kissing me on the cheek before getting up.

"I need to change clothes before going downstairs."I said, turning to my closet and pulling out a pair of red skinnies and a black 'Makeshift Romeo' shirt.

Damn, they were a cool band. Sadly, they broke up a while ago. It's a shame, really.

I got my clothes and waited for Aidan to step out of the room, but he just sat there.

"Um.."I said uncomfortably.

"Just change clothes. We're both guys."He rolled his eyes, smirking.

"Indeed. But i'm also gay. It's a little weird.."I explained.

"We're gonna miss breakfast. Hurryyy."He whined, stretching the y.

"Okay, okay. Fine."I said, unbuttoning my pants and discarding them to the floor.

I stood there in my t-shirt and black boxers, slightly blushing. I took my shirt off hesitantly, blushing harder. I was left in nothing but my boxers. I picked my shirt up, sliding it over my head. I put on my skinny jeans and then ran my fingers through my hair.

"Damn."Aidan said, staring at me.

"Come here."He said, motioning for me.

I slowly walked over to him, stopping about two feet away.

"Red looks good on you."He smirked before kissing me again.

I instantly kissed back, of course. We pulled away and I smiled.

"We should go downstairs now."He said, smiling back and grabbing my hand.

I walked downstairs with Aidan following beside me, our hands still linked.

"Good morning boys."My mom smiled.

Aidan smiled nervously and let go of my hand.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jacobson.."Aidan said hesitantly.

"Aidan, it's okay. My mom isn't homophobic or judgmental."I whispered, grabbing his hand again.

"Nice to meet you, Aidan."My mom smiled.

Aidan instantly relaxed and smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Jacobson."He said back calmly.

She smiled and started fixing us breakfast.

Today, i was finally happy. Because i finally accepted the fact that i am in love with Aidan Krazer. Maybe he can actually love me back..

Oops. (BoyxBoy) [Completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ