Chapter Thirty-Four: Xavier

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Aiden went off to who knows where and i sat in my room, listening to A Lot Like Birds. I sang quietly to the music, not knowing what to do until Aidan got back, since i literally had no friends. Being left alone with my thoughts, i soon was thinking about Aidan. He was the only person that had ever been nice to me. He just randomly came into my life, and here we are dating. Suddenly my first though when Aidan was nice to me came into my head.

'He doesn't like you, Xavier. He's only being nice as an act. You're getting played, dumbass.'

No, he wouldn't just play with my emotions. Would he? He's so nice to me and wanted to be my friend so easily. But.. nobody does that. Especially not to me..

I suddenly felt like i was gonna throw up. Then i saw a light flash on and i reached over, picking up Aidan's phone.

'I hope the faggot dumps you, you man whore.' It was a text from Daniel.

I unlocked his phone, looking at all the other rude texts from his brother, his dad, and his so called 'friends'.

'I hope you're happy, faggot.'

'Be glad i kicked you out instead of killing your gay ass.'

'Don't give the loser any STDs, you queer son of a bitch.'

I stared t the phone with tears in my eyes before dropping it. Suddenly all the thoughts rushed through my head at one.

'He's playing you, stupid faggot.'

I clenched my teeth together, putting my hands over my ears.

'That man whore doesn't really love you, you're a queer loser.'

"No.."I whispered, shaking my head eyes shut tightly while the tears leaked out inevitably.

'He's gonna break your heart. He doesn't even like you. I can't wait until he breaks you.'

"Get out of my head.."I whispered, rocking back and forth a bit, pulling at my hair trying to block out my thoughts, but they wouldn't stop.

I got up quickly and it felt like everything was blurred, and my emotions cut off. I went over, still crying, to the CD shelf. I took out an old CD case and took out the object i was hiding there: My blade.

I sat in the floor, rolling up my sweatpants and taking a deep breath, feeling my heart literally shatter.

'And he knew with absolute certainty why his chest felt so heavy and his stomach ached. Because pieces of your heart clearly weigh more when they're sitting shattered at the bottom of your stomach.' It was a quote by Heather Brewer that i never fully understood but remembered anyways. But now i know exactly what she meant.

I started crying harder and something clicked inside of me. Not a good click either. This was like trying to force puzzle pieces together. The kind of click that makes your stomach twist and gives you that eerie feeling.

I wanted to die.

That was the last thing i thought as i carved into my leg with the blade. I repeated this action, wanting to see more blood. I was going to bleed to death and i knew it. And i was perfectly okay with that. I heard my door handle being turned but i locked the door. I was still crying as the person started banging on my door. I had six fresh cuts on my leg, and i slowly dragged the razor into my leg again, going particularly deep this time, blood flowing out steadily.


And that's all i remember before i blacked out.


Have fun with the cliffhanger.

no rude comments please, but tell me what you think of it.

Love you guys.


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