Trick or treat

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Luna sat on the floor with her nose and mouth smushed up against the widow waiting watching the kids pass by the house. She sat there dressed up as little red ridding hood. Sighing she looked at Melissa who sat on the couch looking at her watch.

"Can I call Wolfe ," Luna asked looking at the clock that had the big hand at the 8.  Scott promised to take her trick or treating but hasn't shown up.

"Yes come on Luna bear." Melissa dialed in the number, pressed dial and gave it to Luna who held it against her ear.

"Hello," Dereks voice echo through the other side of the line.

"Hey Wolfe it's Luna can i go with you for free candy,"

"Of course you can shortie I thought scott was supposed take you,"

"He is not here," Luna mumbles and waited a couple of seconds

"Okay I'm on my way,"

Luna smiled and jumped up and down excitedly," bye see you later aligator,"

"Luna I'm not finishing that." Derek growled

"Please," Luna like a puppy begging for a bone

"See you while crocodile," he mumbles so low she barely heard it but she did and she smiled proudly. Five minutes later Derek showed up in a dark blue shirt and a leather jacket. She smiled before jumping into his arms.

"Thank you I appreciate it." Melissa said giving her a pillow sheet and a kiss on the nose," remember the rule,"

"Start crying so they give you more candy," Luna says proudly

"No that's what Stiles taught you. honey stay by Derek's side," Melissa said chuckling as she watch them leave through the door.

"Where are we going ," luna asked looking at Derek through the rare mirror

"My mom used to take me to the richer neighborhood to get bigger candy bars,"


"Does crying really work," Derek asked

"Me don't know." Luna mumbles when the car comes to a stop, Derek got out and unbuckled her out of the car sit.

"Why do I have to be in a car sit they for Babies me big like Ali,"

After two hours of Luna running back and forth between the two sides of the street she got a whole bag filled with candy. Luna sat in Derek's arm singing the wheels on the bus when three kids came dressed in a devil,pirate and a magician. Luna threw her head back laughing when Derek changed into wolf form and scared the kids away.

"Do it again. Do it again," Luna says laughing as Derek slightly smiled and shakes his head amused. Looking around he notice cars parked and music blasting.

"Too loud," Luna mutter putting her hands on her ears

Derek smiled at her and pushed her hair into his neck. Going in Derek saw a bunch of teenagers, he growled and walked to the DJ.

"Hey man," The DJ called out, Derek smashed the equipment and everyone turned silent as they watch him turn to the crowd.

"Gettttt out," He yelled making every teenager run for the hills. Luna stared at Scott who looked at her guilty.


he began to stay but Luna started crying, she pushed herself off of Derek and looked at Scott before running away.

Scott looked at Derek but all he did was hold up a finger seconds later Luna comes running in and taking her pillow case before running out again Screaming ," I don't like you,"

Scott began to follow her but was stopped by Derek," I know where she is going,"

"I'm sorry," Scott told Derek

"I know you are but I also know taking care of a pup is hard work and if you cant do it ill take her," Derek states crossing his arm. Scott stared at Derek shocked before saying," I love Luna and I'm her alpha, I messed up one time but ill make it up to her, I love Luna with all my heart, I don't need you taking her off my hands because I will be there,"

"I hope for her sake you keep that promise,"

Mean while Luna ran all the way to Alec's house. Stomping up the steps she jumped five times before finally hitting the door bell. When the door opened Luna dropped her bag on the floor and launched herself at Alec who is standing behind Adam. Alec heal her waist rubbing her back looking at Adam like a scared puppy. Adam laughed at his light brother before picking up he candy and shutting the door.

"What's wrong Luna," Alec whispered

"Scott promised to take me for free candy but didn't he was at wofley's house," Luna said whimpered

"Oh Luna remember what I told you. Scoot is a great alpha he has to protect hid pack even if he breaks a promise he is doing it for a good reason," Adam tells her. Luna nods before throwing he r arms around Alec again,"

"Can I stay," She asked

"Please,"Alec asked looking at his brother

"Okay I will call Melissa,"

"Lets go," Alec said pulling Luna up stairs

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