Chapter 36

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Emerald's POV

I stayed home for days feeling so depressed. I did not want to face anyone. I just wanted to be alone and licked my own wound. 

First, the scandal. Though Harry clarified the issue to the press, it was not enough. Reporters kept on pestering me in public and my social media accounts, asking me questions about my involvement with Prince Philip and Princess Camila. They were like hungry wolves. Some asked if I was pregnant and assumed that I was when I did not answer them. Then they asked who the father was, whether Prince Philip or Kevin. What the hell! Others called me a bitch, snob, man snatcher, a spoiled brat, a drama queen and an opportunist who wanted to marry the future king of England. They said all hurtful things that they could think of about me, just to crush me down, and they succeeded in dropping my confidence, from 100 to 0  real quick.  I've never been hurt or attacked by media ever before. 

Being heartbroken, made me feel more miserable. I tried to hate Harry, cursing him until I ran out of negative personality adjectives on him. I missed him, terribly. His touch, his kisses, his warm delicious male scent, his tantalising eyes... darn it. 

I explored Australia, hopping from one city to another, going to beaches and working out with my tan, meeting new and old friends and boy hunting - to get over my heartache, but I failed. I compared every guy I met with Harry. 

I diverted myself in going shopping, but, not for me anymore. Some souvenirs for my family, friends and employees. Why would I shop for myself when I have too many dresses, bags and shoes that I haven't wear yet in my big closet?  Reminded me to get rid of all those clothes that I wouldn't use and to donate it to the Women Shelter. I did not need all those material things to be happy. It just took too much of my time deciding on my OOTDs and what image to project in a day. Jealous people would always make a negative comment no matter what I'd wear anyway. There were more important things to think about. 

Another of my diversion was trying the street foods of Australia. Yeah, it fascinated me since Harry brought me in the night market in England. I realized there were too many foods that I haven't tried yet. Some street foods were even more delicious than the food served in fancy restaurants. I paid less than twenty dollars in a meal compared to five hundred dollars in an exclusive fine dining restaurant. Meeting the locals and some tourists also made me feel a better and well-rounded person. 

I felt a lot better when I arrived in New York. My confidence was back. The news that greeted me about my stolen ideas made all of me crumbled on the ground. My feet and knees were pulverized that it was hard to get up. I went home so devastated. All the misery I experienced from the scandal and heartaches... came back again. 

How could all these people be so mean to me? What have I done? I could not help but wonder, if I was really such a bad person that I deserved this?  There were times when I was young that I became so spoiled and selfless. But I was so immature, and as I grew older, I learned from my mistakes. 

There was a knock on my bedroom door, followed by a slight opening.

"Can I come in?" I heard my sister, Crystal said. Her face was hidden behind the door. Her wavy black hair was showing at the side. 

"Yeah." I sat up on bed, wrapping my legs together in front of me.

Crystal came in, wearing a ruffled satin blue dress and flat silver shoes. She was already fourteen but still she dressed like a kid. I remembered when I was a year younger than her, I already wore makeups, sexy clothes and skimpy shorts. I cringed at the thought. Yeah, I was always in a hurry to grow up back then. I did not know, why I was like that. I guessed, it was just my personality.

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