Chapter 48

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"A father's tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remains as a pillar of strength throughout our lives." Ama H. Vanniarachchy.

Three days ago

Harry's POV

"I love Emerald."

My grandpa, King Alaric twisted his lips. "You don't smile often, but whenever Emerald was around, your face brightened instantly. The smile wouldn't leave your face."

"I'm sorry for disappointing you. I just can't marry Princess Camila. She's a strong woman and trained to be a future queen, but I found my own love. It would affect me greatly as a person and being the future king of England if I deprived myself of my own happiness. I have to follow my heart to be the best that I can be."

"You're like your mother. She eloped with your father because of love. She could have been the queen of Spain right now."

"She wouldn't be happy."

"Yeah. She'd be very miserable sharing her husband with his many mistresses." Grandpa heaved a sigh. "When I think about it, I couldn't help smiling. I'm glad that she was stubborn."

"Not all arranged marriage would turn out well."

"You're right. Your grandmother and I got married without love, Philip. She was not impressed marrying a king. She contradicted me and made me so angry in every possible way. We were like a dog and a cat." Grandpa laughed, tears flowed on his cheek abruptly. 

"Really grandpa?" I was so surprised hearing about it. Mom kept on saying how compatible her parents were and they never had any fights. 

"When we were alone together, she would throw anything at me so I could not get near her. Many priceless figurines and antiques were all wasted. She was so wild and mad being forced to marry me."

"That's terrible."

"It was. Too many times, I wanted to give up and return her to her father." His laughter died as he continued, reminiscing her memories with grandma. "But thanks God I didn't. Despite all the hating, eventually, we learned to like each other."

My heart felt heavy as I observed grandma. He must have missed grandma terribly. I sipped my tea as he continued talking.

"It started when her father died. I was with her when she was grieving. Everyday, I showed her that I could take care as much as her father did. And everyday... I was falling and falling deeply in love on her. It was a courtship after marriage and the reward was unmeasurable... boundless." He wiped his tears and shifted his position on his seat. "I was hoping that it would turn our the same for you and Princess Camila."

"It won't be the same, grandpa."

He nodded in agreement. "I know, because an amazing girl took your heart already."

Ten hours before the dinner

I was in a dark room, my hands were tied at the back of the chair. The glaring single bulb hanging above me blinding my eyes. I was trembling with fear and nervousness. The anxiety was killing me. 

That's what I feel right now. It's pretty much the same as being interrogated by FBIs. I'm in the office of Eros Petrakis. He and his son, my VERY best friend Zion, circling around me questioning about anything, everything like I committed a heinous crime. 

"I love Emerald, so much that I'm willing to risk my life for her."

"She could be a spoiled brat sometimes. How will you handle that?" Zion stopped in front of me. He was holding a rolled paper, slapping it on his hand continuously. I could imagine him holding a bat and ready to smash it on my head. 

The Fall Of A Drama QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora