6. Avocado tree

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At todays appointment Logan and Rory will  find out both genders,hopefully. They just hit the 20 week mark, and they would've found out at their appointment last month, but one of the little ones wasn't cooperating. The other one was, but they wanted to know all at once. 

They decided that they would keep it a surprise for themselves, also, and let the doctor write both sex on a piece of paper. Then they would give it to a small bakery they had found in Palo Alto, where the gender reveal would be held the next day. If the little munchkins decide to show themselves at least.

"So baby A is giving a great view. Baby B is a bit more shy, but I just got a quick peek. Both babies are healty and right on schedule. Would you like to know the genders or do you want me to write them down and put in an envelope?"  Dr. Menck asked them.

"Although I'm overly curious right now, we have a gender reveal planned for tomorrow and we'd like to be surprised, so write it down and put it in a sealed envelope please." Rory smiled at her.

Dr. Menck scribbled it down on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope and sealed it. She gave it to them and told them that the sonogram pictures would be at the front desk.

Rory quickly got decent after the doctor left the room. They picked up the pictures at the front desk and left the hospital.

"Baby a is a lot like his father already, huh." Rory laughed once they got in the car.

"Oh god no. The world doesn't need another one of me running around on the streets." He said.

At that Rory decided to tease him a little. "Maybe you should've thought of that before you started procreating."

"Yeah." He chuckled and sighed.

Rory turned to him in his seat. "So teasing aside, why would you say that? You are the most caring, loving and selfless person walking around that I know."  She put her hand on his knee. He turned his head and gave her a small smile before turning back to the road.

"That's all because of you. Before I met you I was everything  opposite of that."

"You don't give yourself enough credit, Logan. Sure, I was there when you changed but I didn't change you, you did that all by yourself." She said tenderly. " come on we have a plane to catch." She smiled. Although it wasn't true because they were flying private and could leave at any given time, she wanted to leave so the envelope that held all answers would be out of her grasp.

Logan surprised Rory with everyone being on the jet already. She was greeted by Finn, Colin, Robert, Lorelai, Luke, Emily, Mitchum, Honor, Josh, Danny, Alex, Lane, Zach, Steve, Kwan and Christopher. The plan was first that they all would fly in tomorrow but Logan figured that him and Rory had enough room and it would be just as easy to fly in all at once and have them stay over plus it was always fun for him to see the look on Rory's face whenever he surprised her with something.

"Mr. Huntzburger, we are ready for take of." 

"That's great, Amanda. Make sure everyone on this jet is taken care of." 

Rory sat next to Logan snuggled in his arms, talking to Mitchum. She and Logan came to know that he was in the process of divorcing Shira. Logan hadn't spoken to Mitchum since he moved back to the states. Rory moved around a little, now she was talking to her mom and Lane, when suddenly she felt something in her stomach.

"Oh my god, Logan!" 

"What, Rory, are the babies okay?!" He came running over franticly. Rory looked at him but said nothing, she just smiled, took his hand and placed it on her belly. At first he looked at her confused but then he felt something move under his hand, he got that chesire grin and gave her a passionate kiss.

The rest of the flight was uneventful, Logan didn't leave Rory's side, his grin never leaving his face, Rory fell asleep after all the comotion of her babies moving died down and before everyone knew it the stewardess, Amanda, told them that they would hit the ground any minute now.

When they got out of the car Logan and Rory showed everyone around the bathrooms and the guestrooms. Everyone was settled in and Logan and Rory went out to the bakery, delivered the envelope, asked to make two cakes and they would pick them up tomorrow.

Logan got a text from Mitchum.

We had the liberty to book a hotelroom for the two of you tonight. Go enjoy today with that lovely girlfriend of yours and don't bother thinking about us or about coming here, because we won't let you in. Clothes are already at the hotel. Crowne Plaza Cabana. We'll see you in the morning. -Mitchum

Thank you, I guess. -Logan

Logan showed the text to Rory.

"They kicked us out of our home." She chuckled.

"I never thought my father had it in him, I'm shocked." He replied chuckling.

"Believe it, your father is a big ol' softy." She chuckled. "Now are you going to obey and enjoy the rest of the day with your pregnant girlfriend and spend the night in a hotelroom with her?"

"Oh, I definitely will."

Rory and Logan wanted to splurge a little today and got several new clothes for the both of them, a couple of unisex onesees, toys, things they didn't really needed and that was all before dinner. 

On their way to the restaurant they walked past a jewelry store and before he knew it she had pulled him inside with her. She was looking at engagement rings. Logan wondered if this was her hinting that she wanted him to ask her to marry her. Little did she know that he already had his ring.

The boys knew that he was always carrying it with him and they had set this plan in motion. To have them spend the day together and that maybe Logan would understand their plan to make this day as romantic as possible and that when he would see what they had done with the hotelroom, he would finally think it was the right moment and ask her to marry him.

When they were eating Logan got a text from Finn.

I hope you see what we are trying to do. -Finn

Could you be any more vague. -Logan

Just wait, if you still don't get it once you get to the hotel let me know and I'll give you a hint. -Finn

They ate quickly and made their way to the hotel and checked in. Finally in their room they saw rose petals everywhere and sparkling cider.

"Oh wow. This is absolutely beautiful, do you think they gave us the right room though?"

"They are good, I have to give them that" Logan said, finally understanding what Finn's text meant. 

They sat down and talked some more before Logan decided it was enough.

He took Rory's hand in his, slid of his seat and reached into his pocket for the small blue box. "Rory, from the moment I met you I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You helped me see that I could break away from my father, you encouraged me to be the best version of myself and showed me what it is like to love someone with my whole heart, I can't imagine my life without you and I refuse do so. Rory Gilmore, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

I'm mean I know 🙃

Hope you enjoyed this chapter💕

It's exactly 00.00 AM here now. I'm home alone on new years... so fun...  HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE💕🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

I wish you all a happy and healthy 2018

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