14. But...this is an emergency

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So I've come to the decision to continue this story.

Hope you guys like the new chapter I brought for you.


A half year had passed since their honeymoon in Australia. The kids were now eight months old and Tory had just started crawling last week, Chris and Richie hadn't yet.

Currently, Logan was laying in bed with Tory on his chest. She kept reaching for her daddy's hands,  her hands were so small that she could only hold his thumb. Logan smiled at his daughter, the spitting image of his beloved wife, "you are daddy's little girl, aren't you?" He cooed over the little girl, who giggled and started babbling looking up at her father with her gorgeous blue eyes.

"Look who's trying to win the 'favorite daddy of the year award.'" Rory smiled at her husband walking into the room and sitting down on the bed beside him and their daughter.

"Hey Ace, how was the meeting with dad?" Logan asked.

"It went really well, he wants to start the book tour in a month, so in April. He said we'll do half of the east coast now then celebrate the birthday of the triplets here at home. Take on the rest of the east coast two weeks after that. One week at home and then the entire west coast." Rory explained proudly. Her book, Gilmore girls, hit the #1 place, New York Times bestseller and she and Mitchum were busy planning the long-awaited book tour.

"Glad to hear that it finally came together." Logan smiled at his wife.

"You haven't even heard the best thing yet." She smiled brightly.

"And what may that be Mrs. Huntzberger?" He asked her.

"Hm, I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing you say that Mr. Huntzberger." She sighed contentedly closing her eyes for a second. "Your dad has offered to let you come with me. He kept pointing out that he only offered because of the kids because he knew neither of us wanted to be away from them but I think that behind that hard exterior lies a softy."

"That's amazing Ace. I think you are right, dad changed for the better and the only thing he had to do was dump the Ice Queen, known as my mother." Logan agreed.

"Where are Richie and Chris?"

"They were still asleep. So we had a little father-daughter bonding time. Didn't we Tory?" The little girl started babbling again. Rory smiled at the scene that played out before her.

"I will check on them." Rory kissed her husband and stood up. A little while later she came back holding a babbling Chris. "Richie was still asleep."

"I think he got a little Lorelai-gene in there." Logan teased.

"Well, it is Saturday so." Rory laughed.

"Right, the day of pre-rest." He chuckled.

Rory moved over to the bed and laid herself down with Chris on her chest, beside her husband and daughter. She turned het head to face Logan, as he turned his head to look at her also she moved her left arm, the arm that was closest to Logan, placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him while he did the same with his right hand and both of them held their kids in place with the other. "Hi." She smiled after they pulled away.

"Hello," He chuckled and kissed her again, "I missed you when I got up this morning."

"Hm. What do you say we put the kids back in their room and I can make it up to you." Rory said suggestively.

Within seconds Logan seemed to be his clumsy college self again and struggled to safely get out of the bed with their daughter to put her back in her crib in the nursery.

Rory chuckled at her husband while flinging her legs off the bed and standing up to follow her husband who was probably long in the nursery by now.

When she walked in the nursery Logan had already put Tory in her crib and as soon as Rory had Chris in his crib Logan grabbed her hand. 

The second they were out of that room Logan's lips were attached to her neck and Rory's back was pressed against the wall. They basically stumbled down the hall back to their own bedroom.

Once the bedroom door was closed Rory was pressed against it, moaning out in pleasure. Logan moved his lips from her jaw to her neck to the exposed part of her chest and back to her soft lips while making quick work of her blouse. Rory's hands were roaming Logan's body as she quickly found the hem of his shirt with her fingertips. Their lips parted each other's from the heated kiss as she managed to pull his shirt over his head while he unclasps her black lacy bra. Rory, for once, took charge of the situation, she wasn't at all used to taking the lead in the bedroom. She took a step closer to her husband, pushing her back off the wall and her front pressed more into Logans. As she kept stepping forward the back of Logan's knees hit the bed and he was forced to sit down.

Rory stepped back a few steps and Logan wanted to follow her but she essentially stopped him. "Tsk tsk. Sit back down loverboy."

She turned her body around facing the door, started shimmying out of her skirt, she let it fall down to the floor to pool around her feet, she stepped out of them and started on her panties. Logan's eyes shone with lust and desire for his wife that seemed to be another, even sexier, version of herself that he had never seen before. She started to slowly and teasingly slide down her panties and even though he had seen her naked plenty of times before his mouth started watering when all of a sudden the door of their bedroom flew open.

Rory shrieked in surprise and quickly tried to cover herself up by jumping on the bed and under the covers.

"What are you doing here?" Logan groaned as he grabbed a pillow to cover up his excitement.

"I need your help." The person stated frantically.

"As you could see we were a bit busy." Logan deadpanned. "And what have we told you about using the emergency key?"

"But... This is an emergency."


Who do you guys think disturbed their moment of passion?

Anyways hope you liked it.💖 and if not then... 💔

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