Chapter 3. His mate

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It was lunch time and I didn't have friends yet so I looked around in the canteen to find an empty spot to sit, while I was walking to a table I noticed that a group of girls were looking at me, like I was an alien or something.

At that moment a group of boys walked in the cafeteria, all the girls were looking at them if they were some kind of gods of something. They sat a few meters away from me. I saw jimin sitting with them and all the girls who were looking at me weirdly before were looking at him and his friends while giggling. Jimin suddenly looked at me, he smiled, stood up and walked towards me. "Y/N, why are you sitting here all by yourself?" he asked while he sat down. "Because It's my first day here and I didn't made any friends beside you today" I said while playing with my food. he dazed out for a minute and looked back to his friends. "Why don't you come and sit with my friends, they are very nice" he said while picking up my food to make sure I would follow him. he got to the table and put my food down "Guys this is Y/N, she is new here and need some friends. Y/N this is Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook" he said while pointing at every boy that was sitting at the table. I smiled and sat down next to Jimin. Next to me was Taehyung who couldn't keep his eyes off of me. "Taehyung cut it out, you'll scare her" Namjoon said. Taehyung looked down and ate his food. I chatted with the boys until Hoseok asked me a question that I didn't expected. "So.... Y/N do you have a boyfriend?" he said with a smile.

My face got red and I saw that all of the boys were focused on me except Yoongi who was sleeping. "Euhm... no I don't" I said a bit embarrassed. "Good!" I heard Jimin say with a grin. I looked down at my food not daring to look at any of the boys. After a few minutes of awkwardness between all of us the bell rang. We got up and were going to our classes. I sat down on a chair and Taehyung sat next to me. I looked at him still feeling awkward from the question that Hoseok asked.

"Soo.. it's your first day ey" he said a bit shy. I nodded "Yeah I got an apartment after I moved out of my parents house" I said with a smile. He smiled too. Something was different about him and I liked it. "Do you wanna have some coffee with me after school?" he asked while he was showing a small smile. I nodded happily and the teacher started talking. When school was over Taehyung asked me to wait at the gates because he had to do something first, I saw him walking towards his group of friends and he talked to Namjoon, I saw Jimin staring at me his eyes looked a bit different but I couldn't quite tell because they were too far away..

Taehyung ran towards me and he had a happy smile on his face "I hope that you didn't wait that long for me" he said in all cheer. I shook my hand and we walked towards the café. When we arrived Taehyung was holding the door open so I could walk in. at that moment I bumped into someone, I apologized immediately and walked towards a table. I heard a growl behind me coming from Taehyung. I sat down across from Taehyung and the waitress came up to us. She looked immediately towards Taehyung.

"So handsome, what do you like to order" she started to flirt with him.

"hmm. I don't know , Y/N what do you like to have" he said still staring at me. I looked at the waitress and she looked irritated towards me.

"I would like to have a cappuccino" I told her.

"make that two" Taehyung looked at the waitress with a emotionless face. The waitress walked away with a disappointed face.

"so how was your first day at school?" Taehyung asked with a wide smile. "it was great now that I've met you and the others, I was afraid that I wouldn't make any friends" I said with a small smile on my face.

"Of course you would make friends on the first day of school, if Jimin didn't ask you to come over in the canteen then I would" he said while showing a bright smile. I blushed until the waitress came to our table. I saw a smirk forming on her face. And then it happened...

She looked like she tripped over something and fell towards me with hot coffee in her hands. The moment she climbed of me she looked at Taehyung waiting to ask her if she was okay but he pushed her out of the way towards me.

"auww, it hurts IT'S SOO HOTT" I screamed. "I'm sorry" she said to me with a guilty face and I knew it was fake because the moment she walked away to get some towels she turned her head a bit and there it was the sneaky smirk.

"Y/N! are you okay! " Taehyung asked worried. Meanwhile everyone was looking at us. After we got the towels I went to the bathroom in the café and washed my shirt a bit. I came out and saw Taehyung talking to the manager with an angry face. The manager apologized to us and gave us a gift card. We walked out of the café. "well this wasn't the best coffee date ever" he said . "date?" I asked while my cheeks were hot as heck. He was shocked at what he said and apologized to me. "no don't worry about it" I said while blushing. He showed a smile and walked me home.

We arrived at my apartment and said our goodbye's. I opened the front door and closed it behind me. I walked towards the livingroom and sat down. I looked in front of me and thought of this day. "Taehyung, how is it possible that you like someone like me to hang around?" I said out loud. I laid on the couch a bit and a smirk crept on my face when I remembered myself when he said 'date'. 

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