Chapter 18. Eyes change

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- The day before the full moon -

No one's P.O.V.

It was morning and Y/N and Taehyung slept together in the bed. Taehyung woke up and buried his face on Y/N neck. She let out a grunt and he noticed that she was awake.

"Morning beautiful" Taehyung said with a husky voice. Y/N turned around to face him. her eyes were still closed "Morning" she said with a morning voice.

"we need to get up, school starts soon" Taehyung said. They just had a week off from school. Y/N opened her eyes and Taehyung looked shocked at her. "Y/N!" He said exited. Y/N didn't know what he meant.


Taehyung dragged her to the mirror so she could see what was wrong. Y/N's eyes were yellow. "What the heck is happening" she said while looking intensively to herself.

"the changes are already beginning"

"cool but how do I turn them off, I can't go to school like this!" she said while panicking.

"right..right" Taehyung mumbled. "Go get dressed and get downstairs for breakfast, Namjoon hyung could possibly help you with that" Taehyung said while grabbing all his stuff and leaving the room.

Y/N P.O.V.

I dressed myself in my schooluniform and looked at my eyes the whole time through the mirror. I walked downstairs towards the dining room while everyone was looking at me. I averted their gaze and walked quickly towards the dining room for the higher ranks where Taehyung was. I opened the door and everyone looked up. Taehyung was talking to Namjoon in the courner and stopped talking when I entered.

"Congrats!" Jimin said with a smirk. I just glared at him and waited until Namjoon spoke.

"Y/N, I know a way to return your eyes to normal but it will hurt, after you changed into a werewolf you can control your eyes but until then I will be your helping hand" Namjoon said. I nodded and we walked towards the basement.

"Why are we going to the basement?"

"so that everyone upstairs won't be affected to it"

We stopped and turned the light on. I saw a cell with someone in it. the person looked up with tired eyes.

"Vince, What are you doing in there?" I asked the man in the cell.

"Y/N? what happened to your eyes" he asked while avoiding my question.

"Idk, maybe because it's the full moon tomorrow" Namjoon said sarcastically. Vince looked down at the ground again and didn't respond back to him. I looked at him with pity and we walked further into the basement. Namjoon stopped as we stood in a big room next to the cells. I saw in the corner of my eye Vince looking.

"Sit down" Namjoon said while pointing at a chair. There was a cabinet with a lock on it. Namjoon unlocked it and opened it. there were syringes and other fluids in there. Namjoon looked through the bottles and finally held one in his hand. It was a small bottle with a white substance in it. he also took a syringe and filled it with the white substance. I looked at him with fear.

My biggest fear is needles, I don't like them because they are painful and are sharp.

Namjoon closed the cabinet again and walked towards me. "This will hurt like a b*ch but just think of something positive and close your eyes" he said while lifting my shirt up.

"What are you doing" I said while holding my shirt down. he looked at me with red eyes "The needle need to be in your stomach so the stuff can spread more easily through your body" he explained. "Don't think of me like a pervert, I will become your alpha after the full moon, you should respect me" he said with a bit more stern tone.

Dangerous Pack (Taehyung x reader) Werewolf FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon