Chapter 5. Knowledge

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I nodded "sure if you have proof". Taehyung pulled me away from the wolf "Y/N that is a werewolf" he said while the wolf stood up I widened my eyes to see that the wolf changed into a boy. "Hoseok?!" I said full of shock. He smiled and nodded. "Are you okay Y/N, you look a bit pale" Hoseok said worried. I stepped backwards and felt lightheaded. I tried to answer but I failed and I fell and blacked out.

I woke up in a strange bed "Are you awake?" I heard a voice next to me say

I opened my eyes and looked to my side to see Taehyung looking worried towards me. "Yeah I'm fine but what happened?" I said in a hoarse voice.

"You fainted after seeing Hoseok, I knew it was too much, I'm sorry" he said while holding my hand. "So it is true then, he is a werewolf" I said looking down.

"Yeah we all are, everyone in the house except you is a werewolf"

I looked at him with shock "So you're a werewolf too?" I said curious.

He nodded.

"Can you show me?" I said staring in his eyes. "Not now, but aren't you scared?"

"not if you guys won't hurt me, I've read a lot of books about werewolves and always hoped that they were real" I said with a smile "Of course I was scared in the beginning because I didn't know what was really happening"

He smiled and hugged me.

I smiled back and got out of bed. "Y/N. did you read everything about werewolves?'. I looked at him "I think some of it, I believe not everything is true that has been written in the books"

He nodded "do you know that all werewolves has a mate, and when they meet each other they feel it"

"I've heard something about it, why did you find your mate?" I said in a pretty sad tone. He scanned my expression and lifted my chin "it's you" he looked straight in my eyes and kissed me. I kissed him back and we broke the kiss while still staring in each other's eyes. I blushed and he smiled "do you want to go downstairs?". I nodded and we walked downstairs where everyone was sitting.. well not everyone of the pack just 6 of them. "Hey Y/N , are you okay? I hope I didn't scare you too much" Hoseok said while standing up worried.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine" I said with a smile. He returned his smile and sat down. Taehyung and Namjoon were staring intensively to each other. "Euhm.. Taehyung are you okay?"

"If I was you I wouldn't disturb him now, he is talking to the alpha and if you interrupt him then he can become aggressive without realizing it" Jungkook said while leading me to the chair. I sat down still looking at Taehyung who was still in the same spot. Suddenly Namjoon started talking "So.. you already know a few things about werewolves" as soon as he said that Taehyung sat down next to me smiling.

"Yeah some of it"

"so let me introduce us again but now in a proper way. I'm the alpha of the pack" he said while showing his blood red eyes. suddenly everyone's eyes started to shift, I looked at Taehyungs eyes and saw that they were yellow.

"My beta's are Taehyung and Jungkook as you can see from their yellow eyes".

Taehyung smiled at me.

"Jimin is our delta, Yoongi and Hoseok are our epsilon and Jin is our kappa" Namjoon said while pointing at their eyes. "the rest that you see wandering in this house are all werewolves who have a low rank"

"what does it all mean, I know what an alpha, beta and omega is but I've never heard about a delta, epsilon and kappa" I said confused.

"a delta is our messenger, Jimin is the one who get the information from other packs and delivers it to me, the epsilon are the guardians of the pack, mostly they are patrolling outside but today they have a day off and the kappa is de lead hunter, Jin is the one who collects the food and prepares it" Namjoon said while returning to his normal eyes. I nodded and smiled.

"Why don't you stay the night, it is Saturday tomorrow and it is pretty late" Namjoon said.

"Sure" I said.

"Taehyung will lead you to the guestroom" Namjoon said. I nodded and walked upstairs with Taehyung.

I entered the room and sat on the bed. "Do you like it?" Taehyung said while sitting next to me. "Yeah it's spacious" I said while laying my head down. he smiled and walked towards the door "Get some sleep, if you need me my room is two rooms further on your left" he said smiling.

I showered and found a pajama on the bed. Someone probably brought it. I threw it on and stepped in to bed. After a few minutes I fell asleep


I woke up and saw that it was 9 in the morning I got out of bed and walked downstairs.

"hey Y/N, do you want breakfast?" I heard Jin yelling from the kitchen. "Yes please" I said back while walking towards the dining area. I saw Yoongi sleeping on the couch. when Jin came in and brought my breakfast I asked him "Jin, why is Yoongi sleeping on the couch instead of his bed?"

He sighed and looked worried. "It's because he is afraid to sleep in his own bed"

"what do you mean is he scared of monsters under his bed or something?" I grinned a bit. 

Dangerous Pack (Taehyung x reader) Werewolf FFWhere stories live. Discover now