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Hawk ran down the lane, trying not to knock down anyone in his way as he rushed to school. It was a sunny, dry day and the sky was a brilliant blue. Today was going to be a great day he could feel it in his bones. He could see the kids filing into the school and he sat outside the window of his first class. He knew all the subjects and knew where to watch from the windows on the outside of the classroom.

"Hello, Hawk. How are you this morning?" The chemistry teacher said opening the window for him to see he lesson.

"Good, Sir. Thank you." he beamed.

"Come up here." The teacher reached out his arms to pull him up to sit on the windowsill. "I've got you something."

"You did, Mr. Bishop?" Hawk asked looking excited, he had never been given a gift before, it was exciting.

"Yes, you'll need it to be in my class." He handed him a thick notebook and a bunch of pens and pencils that were left here and there by students. Hawk's eyes went wide in surprise as he took the objects in his arms. "Thank you so much, Sir." He took them gratefully.

"I'm just glad to see someone that is enthusiastic about school." He smiled, seeing how grateful Hawk was for recieving such a thoughtful and simple present.

"I love to learn." he replied to his teacher happily.

"I just wish I could let you in like the others." Mr. Bishop said disappointed.

"Its okay, I'm fine where I am at." Hawk smiled up at the man. The class started filing in and some of the students looked at him with judging eyes.

"Hi, Fallon." He smiled brighter as she walked into the room.

"Hello, Hawk. How are you?" A young white haired Fallon came skipping towards him in her red and black uniformed dress. Her large, green eyes beamed up at her friend and her white curls shined like snow in the sunlight.

"I'm great, thank you and you?" He asked her.

"The same..." Fallon looked around, making sure no one saw her. "Mom made you a lunch too." She slipped it in his tattered messenger bag.

"Thank you Fallon. Tell your parents I said thanks."

Fallon nodded in reply and jumped a little hearing Mr. Bishop's deep voice, "Fallon, back in your seat. Youl'll have plenty of time to chat with your friend after class." The teacher smiled. "Okay class, I've already sent you your lesson for today in your Electro-Cortex. Pull that up for me so we can begin." Each student suddenly had a screen projected in front of their face, the lesson displayed before their eyes. It was powered by an implant in their brain so that the schools could do without text books.

All of the class but two had this implant, Fallon and Hawk were left to take notes on their own. Not everyone could afford such an expensive update and Mr. Bishop made sure to accomidate every student. Hawk had pulled out his notebook along with Fallon, the class looked at Hawk with unwelcome expressions on their faces, Not wanting to share the same classroom with a Scover. The school that Fallon and Hawk went to was a very formal school, Fallon almost didn't make the cut. She befriended Hawk for they were the same, they didn't have much but they were happy. Though Hawk was less off than Fallon, he seemed much happier than her at times.

Hawk barely remembered his parents, he had a small memory of what they looked like but nothing else. Every now and then Hawk would allow Fallon's parents to take him in for the night but he never took the offer to stay and live there with Fallon.

Part of him liked being on his own, the rest of him needed to be with those who accepted him. It wasn't his fault he was an orphan so why did they judge him for something that he couldn't control? Apparently it just wasn't done in the city of Lyosh, orphans were cast out and looked down upon as failures in society unless they made something of themselves once they grew up. It didn't make sense but everyone abided by this silly, unwritten and unspoken rule in society. The Loren were the rich and Elite, the Scrittle were the wirking middle class and the Scovers were the dirt poor.

Hawk eagerly took notes of every word he remembered in class and asked questions just like any other student. He involved himself as much as he could and the other students seemed to have an unspoken jealously seeing how intellegent he was

"If I were to smash this Pearl with my fists, what change would that be?" He asked holding up the glistening white fruit.

One of the children raised their hand, "Yes, Lara?"

"Chemical change." The red headed girl spoke up.

"No, sorry thats not it." The man scanned the room and looked at Hawk beaming from the window. "Hawk, do you know?"

"Physical change." He said.

"Yes, thats right. Can you tell us why, though?" He asked proudly.

"Physical change happens when there are no chemicals involved in the change. It merely just changes the look and overall structure of the object."

"That is very good, Hawk. What about a chemical change? How would I change this Pearl to make it inedible?"

"Well, if you poured acid on the Pearl it wouldn't taste to good, would it? Acid is a chemical and it would change the Pearl and distort its chemical properties."

"So, in order for something to chemically change, what do you need?" He asked his eager student.

"A chemical." Hawk replied.

"Perfect." The teacher tossed the fruit to him and Hawk caught it, smiling. "You all could learn a lesson from Hawk, here. He's eager to learn in my class."

"But he's a dirty orphan." One of the students commented, making Hawk's smile fade.

Mr. Bishop looked at the class and frowned disappointed in most of them that followed the example of their rich, stuck up parents.

"Ejova!" Fallon cried in disapproval, standing up to come to her friend's defense. Mr. Bishop laid a hand on her shoulder, ushering her back into her seat.

"I agree with Fallon, Ejova!" Mr. Bishop crossed his arms and looked at each student. "So what if he is? He's a whole lot smarter than you all!" He raised his voice. "He may become your boss one day."

The class silenced after the teacher's speech and Hawk could feel the intense stares of the students upon him. He felt unwelcome at times but the protection of Mr. Bishop and the friendship he had with Fallon kept him coming back. He knew he was safe.

The class soon ended and everyone left for lunch. Fallon and Hawk stayed in the classroom, since he wasn't allowed in the canteen like the others.

Mr. Bishop left the room, knowing he could trust his two favorite students.

"Can I have a look at your notes?" Fallon asked.

"Yeah, here." He handed her his new notebook and she opened it to copy his notes into hers.

"Are you coming over for dinner, tonight?" She asked without looking up from her writing. Hawk thought a moment, his growling stomach gave him his answer, "Yes. I hope your parents don't mind."

"You know they don't. I wish you could live with us. I can't imagine living on my own."

"I dont know, your Mom and Dad have already done so much. I don't like to impose." He said shyly. Fallon chuckled and shook her head.

"Please come live with us. It would be nice to have a brother."

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