Rails on the crazy train

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Venner took some time to think about the memories he once had with Indra. Would she be upset if she saw them together? Would she approve of Fallon? His love for his wife swelled in his heart almost until it burst. He looked at her and smiled, "is Fallon sure?"
"Yes, why do you ask?" She looked at him curiously.
"Well the reason is, because I bring out the 'worst' in you."
"No you don't."
"Well, worst for you would be the best in you because you don't consider vulnerability a good trait so-"
Fallon playfully pushed him and he laughed.
"Are you sure?" She asked. Venner pretended to think, "I don't know, I just wonder if I can handle your badassery. Your fighting, dominance and crazy antics." He joked. He thought about what he said and laughed, "you are a bit insane though."
"Oh great, here it comes."
"You totaled your house, jumped the dam and got me shot."
"Okay, I get it you're not into me." She got up to leave but Venner captures her arm. "Who said I wasn't into you?"
Fallon almost couldn't resist looking back at him. "I love all of those qualities about you..."
"How?" She looked back at him.
"It's more fun that way." He slowly pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her waist from behind. She gripped his hand tightly out of fear and he froze, "it's okay to be scared, Fallon. You were overpowered. You have the power to say no this time."
She exhaled and pressed his hand against her stomach. He smiled, pleased with her response and he turned her around and kissed her.
"I promise I'll always treat you with respect."
"I know you will." She laid her head on his chest, letting him hold her in his arms.
"You know, when we met I never thought I'd be doing this with you."
"Me either." She nuzzled him.
"Oh, I think you're a cuddler." He chuckled.
"Mhm." She squeezed him tight.
"All this time, you just wanted to be held." He bent down and kissed her forehead. She laced her fingers with his, like a spider hugging its prey.
"You're lucky because so am I." He stroked her hair softly, feeling her body relax against him.
Silence filled their surroundings s if it were the first snowfall of winter.
"I think we should get to sleep, we have a lot to do in the morning."
"Yeah, we still have to figure out a way to get over the wall too."
"Wouldn't there be a tunnel? It is a train and it has to exit somewhere."
"What if there isn't it's been two years, they probably just left it to rust."
"Then how do we get out?"
"That, we will have to see."
"Come on, let's get a move on." Eija woke everybody up in the tent. They all hopped out of bed and followed their routine like soldiers in s platoon. It became so repetitive that they became masters at tearing down the tent and loading the dune.
Fallon shot a flirtatious glance at Venner and he blushed before they seated themselves in the car. Ben drove off in the direction of the train station, not giving any warning to anyone to hold on. The dune jolted forward before speeding off into the sunrisen morning. Eija smacked him in the back of the head, "this isn't a drag race."
"We're on a half a tank of gas we have to get there quickly." He pounded on the gas pedal and the car surged forward. It rocked to and fro as he drove over bumps, hills and valleys.
Titus stood up on his seat to see if he could spot the station.
"There! I see it. To the right!" Titus shouted over the howling wind in his ears. Ben banked the dune to the right and they arrived to the station. As some of them suspected, the station was deserted. It was like a ghost town, everything was in ruins, the train rested at its loading bay rusted and dead. Fallon looked at the group behind her, "anyone know how to drive this thing?"
All of them looked at each other, "alright, I've seen how they do it in old movies. Shouldn't be that hard right. Venner face turned a pale color, looking off into the distance. His eyes had followed the tracks and where they ended made his heart sink like a stone.
"Umm... Fallon? We have a problem." He pointed out into the brightening morning where the tracks stopped at the concrete wall, the tunnel filled with cement. Fallon felt rage slowly rise within her and she screamed, she kicked over a trash can nearby and threw the garbage at the train, " This can't be it! This can't be the end!" She cried. "We've worked so hard to get here and for what?!" She stared at Hawk, enraged at him.
"You're the one that made me go! Why didn't you leave me home?!"
"Stop it, Fallon." Hawk came to her but she backed away, "Don't touch me!"
Silence fell on each of them, almost mourning the death of the hope they all once had.
Venner came to her but she fought him as he embraced her. She cried helplessly as they both dropped to their knees. Venner cradled her in his arms as everyone stood there in astonishment, there was no way out and it all seemed to be for nothing. Everything. everything they went through had come to a meaningless end and they were all hopelessly stuck.
"Hey Fallon." Venner whispered in her ear. Fallon didn't respond. "I think we need some of that insanity we talked about last night." She looked up at him, his eyes smiling in determination. She then looked at the train and had an idea.
"Get the dune in the train."
Eija looked at her confused, "What for?"
"Just do it." She stood up and ran towards the end of the train, Venner followed her and they stopped at a car, sliding out the heavy metal doors. "Come on!" She called to them.
"I have a feeling the idea she has is going to hurt quite a lot." Benedict said.
"Yeah, but I trust her." Eija ran back to the dune buggy and drove it up to the freight car.
"How do we get it inside?" Venner asked her. Fallon jumped out of the car and pulled at something at the bottom of the car, "help me out, there's a ramp we can pull out." Venner pulled out the ramp and Eija drove carefully up into the car.
"Okay, step two. Pilot, Ben and Hawk get your weapons and meet me at the conductors car."
They obeyed her and left, she turned to Venner. "I need you to stay here with mom and Titus."
"You might need me up there."
"Just keep your weapons close by, I need you safe."
"Okay." He kissed her. "Give em hell."
Fallon left the car and Venner closed the doors.
She ran up to the front and jumped into the engine room. "We need someone on the door and I need an extra pair of hands with working the controls."
"What is the plan exactly?" Ben asked.
"What do you think the plan is?" She pinged to the wall in the distance and he paled, "oh hell no!"
"Hell yeah." She looked at the controls and turned a few knobs. Like fire, the controls glowed and the engine crooned and purred.
"We've got to gain enough speed so this will work." Hawk cams to her side, "Fallon we could get crushed."
"The wall is hollow which means we have a chance of breaking through. We could get crushed but we have a lesser chance of that happening."
"The police will come for us." Ben told her."
"They're already coming for us. It's either stay here and have amnesia for two years or break through this wall and get the hell out." She pulled a lever and the train chugged out steam and it slowly started to move.
"We're all going to die because we're listening to my crazy cousin."
"If you don't trust me, then get off the train!" She shouted. Her voice froze him in place and his mouth fell silent.
"Here, you have to gain speed so try this." Pilot turned a dial and tube train lurched forward and it started to speed up.
"What about us? When that wall hits us how are we going to protect ourselves. Fallon fell silent, "Just before the train hits I want everyone to jump out." She told them soberly.
Ben moved from his shocked state and looked about the room, he opened a compartment and emptied the contents.
"What are you doing?" Hawk asked him.
"It's the conductors locker, it doubles as a means of protection In case of  derailment or crashes. Looks like it can fit all of us in there."
Fallon nodded and looked at the speedometer. The train chugged violently and hurled itself forward.
The wall getting closer into view, fright pumped into her veins. The wheels grinded faster against the tracks and the wind screamed in their ears. The pin on the dial was in the red and they all shuffled into the tiny closet. Fallon stared at the oncoming wall before being yanked in and the door being shut. The room was dark, no slit for the light to come in. Silence fell upon all of them as they waited for impact. Fallon could only hear her breath, praying it wouldn't be her last. The train plowed through the wall with a loud and deafening boom. The wheels sparked and screeched and the rubble of the rock wall tumbled down in the train like an avalanche. The closet door was beaten and bent by the cement chunks making the space more tighter and harder to move in. They were uncomfortable but they we're thankfully safe. The rockslide continued, deafening sounds of rock filling the engine room and sounds of the rest of the train working its way through.
"I think we made it." She told them.
"You're under arrest by the authorities of amoshire!" The bots voice was behind the door, tearing away the rocks to get to them. Just before it could reach for the handle, Ben kicked open the door throwing the bot through the gaping hole left in the front of the car. Fallon looked at the levers and buttons to try and slow it down but the train was now faster than ever. Half of the controls were gone and the dial on the speedometer was stuck.
"What do we do now?

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