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 Fallon stepped inside and witnessed the beautiful interior of the room, "This is where you live?" She asked. Venner nodded and plundered through the kitchen, trying to find food that would go together and make a worthy dinner. Fallon was left to wander, The place was relatively clean compared to the rest of the country's houses. He kept his house crisp and proper despite the outside environment that threatened the inside. It was as if the house was a beam of light that stood against the dark and dreary world around them. Warm yellow light filled the room, fur carpets and smooth gray floors.

A long and wide window over looked the city below and the couches and chairs were made of real onyx leather. The floors glowed against the light that danced upon the surface, this was almost unreal to Fallon. Could such grand and rich beauty even exist? "Feel free to look around if you like." Venner said still perusing through the refrigerator and cupboards.

There was a fake wall that separated the living room and what looked like an office, a thick black metal desk sat in the middle of the poorly lit room. A thick layer of dust collected upon its surface, starved of the company that once visited it frequently. Fallon imagined a pile of papers and pencils strewn upon the top of the desk and a hard working Venner slumped over, asleep and his hair a mess from frustration. A hallway met her gaze and invited her as she walked, pictures of his family and paintings of such finery dotted along the walls.

Fallon swore they belonged in a museum. She stopped in front of a large painting of what looked to be his family. A strongly painted Venner in a blue suit and a tamed mohawk, combed and set to the side. A gorgeous blonde woman hung on his arm and smiled with complete joy. Her long flowing turquoise gown complimenting her glowing complexion. Sitting in the chair was a younger version of her mother in an extravagant dark blue dress.

Her blonde curls bounced upon her shoulders and she gave a soft, contented smile at the painter and The same electric blue eyes as her father, "I see you have met my late family." Venner said coming up behind her. She gave a empathetic smile to him, knowing the pain he had in his heart and how it hurt.

"They're beautiful."

"Thank you." Venner looked at the painting. "I'm sure you know Indra, my wife. That one, there is my daughter Clara." He said pointing to the women in the painting.

"I'm terribly sorry for what happened. Your wife was a remarkable woman. I don't think anyone in Desolate disliked her." Venner stood silent for a short moment and Fallon felt the pain of his wound. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

No, Its perfectly fine." He felt a stab in his heart. "Thank you for saying that."

"I know how that feels. To lose someone you love." She looked up at him with understanding eyes.

"Yeah." Venner bit back the tears that threatened to come forth. "I have noodles and bread. I have other things if you'd like to take a look." He said desperate to change the subject.

"Sure." She said reassuringly.

Fallon left the hallway to see what she could find and Venner watched as she vanished from his line of sight. He opened the door to Clara's room and gasped seeing the dusty state of his beloved daughters bedroom. He stepped in and looked around, just like she left it. A clean and organized room adorned in turquoise and indigo silk bedding and curtains, Clara's favorite colors. A long three paneled window that took the majority of one wall.

A walk in closet with two doors on both sides of her bed that held her elegant dresses and beautiful garments. An modern bed with dusty pillows placed neatly upon it. He sat at the edge of the bed, gazing out the window, the dust so thick it was almost impossible to look through. Memories flooded his head of Clara, her voice as clear as day singing a lovely tune. Her eyes sparkling with joy every time she cracked a smile and the free spirited gait she had when she danced or walked.

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