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 Benedict's grip eased on his knife and looked at Fallon, "No tricks?"

"No, I promise." Fallon said cautiously. The blade lowered from Venners neck and Ben looked at his little cousin.

"Its a frequency device." Hawk interjected. "I made it."

"What was it made for?" He demanded.

Hawk had to think quickly to deter him from the truth, "So we can stay out past midnight without being executed."

"Give it to me." He said forcefully. Hawk held up his hands and slowly reached behind his ear. "What are you doing?" He asked, a little scared that Hawk would draw a weapon.

"Calm down." Hawk turned around so his back was to him. "See, nothing." He reached behind his ear and pulled the device off of him. He slowly turned around and extended his hand towards him with the ear piece. Benedict went to reach for it then all of the sudden, Fallon snatched the knife from her cousins hand, spun around and pressed the knife at his throat.

"Fallon, this is stupid." Ben stated. "You know I'm stronger than you."

"But you know I'm quicker. I used to run you all over the playground when we were kids." She said backing up against the wall. "Put the device back on, Hawk."

"Don't you dare! I'd make a fortune on that!" He choked feeling the knife closer to his adam's apple.

"You're not doing anything of the sort, you selfish, egotistical bastard."

Venner shivered with fear seeing Fallon putting herself in the face of danger just to spare a silly device. Hawk hooked the device back onto his ear and Fallon looked at Pilot, who didn't exactly know what to do.

"Now, we're going to leave. You will not follow us or so help me-"

"You would do this to your own family?" Ben asked.

"You're not family. You are nothing to me, family would make sure I was okay after getting effected by Tripizole. Family wouldn't try and steal back the three hundred Crowns they gave me. You are a thief and a liar, you're a disgrace!" Fallon edged him towards the top of the stairs and like lightning, kicked him in the back sending him tumbling down the concrete stairs.

"Run!" Fallon led the way out of the bunker and into the city. The two men close behind her, running as fast as they could to keep up with her. They reached her home and each of them slumped over, panting in silence as the morning rose. Fallon stood up and approached a copper colored Axe-Dune, she grabbed her new tools and started working on the car. "Help me."

"What are you about to do?" Hawk asked her.

"I'm fixing this vehicle so we can leave right now. We're far behind schedule and Benedict might be right behind to terrorize us. Time is not on our side right now so get your bags ready and help me fix this thing."

"Alright, Fallon." Hawk grabbed a tool and started working in the back. Fallon worked in the front and Venner looked out the window to make sure that Ben didn't come back to fight.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked Fallon. She looked up at him with her now greased face.

"You can start the vehicle when we say so we know its working properly."

"Okay." He sat in the drivers seat, waiting for her command. All Venner could see was a pair of skinny legs out from under the large car. Venner would've never thought of Fallon to be a mechanic, she didn't look it. She was too petite and feminine to have anyone assume that she was one. He chuckled to himself, Fallon was a sight to see. There was much more to her than her looks and her size and she let everyone know it. She shocked him that morning, she was swift like the wind of a hurricane and ferocious like a lion. It saddened him though that she had such an awful relationship with Benedict, family turning against family and for what? Money?

"Okay, start it. I think Ive got it." Fallon said to him. Venner nodded and turned the key, starting it. The muffler sputtered a bit and then purred as he let go of the ignition. Fallon worked her way out from under the car and smiled up at him, her goggles made a clear mark around her face once she took them off. Her face was covered in grease and her white smile illuminated the dark of her face. Venner couldn't help but laugh a little, "What?" She asked.

"You just look crazy." He laughed out. Hawk stood to look at his little sister.

"Dang, Fal. You really get into your work." He commented.

"You don't look any prettier than me, bro." She left to get a towel and the two men gathered their luggage and set them in the back of the dune buggy. Hawk filled at least three canisters of gas and set them inside, Venner set himself in the back seat after thoughtfully hauling Fallon's new tool box into the back along with his bag and Fallon's.

"Open up!" A loud and fearsome voice came from the outside of the house.

"Stay quiet." Hawk quickly locked the door and ran up the stairs to get Fallon.

Venner didn't make a sound and reached behind his ear where his device sat, ready to turn it on again. Fallon and her brother rushed down the stairs and hopped into the vehicle.

"If you don't have your devices on I'd turn them on if I were you." Fallon said turning on the car and revving the engine.

"What are we doing?" Venner asked getting ready to brace himself and praying that she wasn't going to do what he had in his mind. She backed the car up and aimed the front at the back door, where Benedict was now trying to kick in the door.

"Hold on." She stomped on the gas and sped right through the door, bursting out of the side of the home. "Dammit, Fallon are you insane?!" Hawk asked her dusting the rubble off his shoulders. Fallon laughed a little, giving her brother his answer. Benedict was trapped under a pile of dry wall and Pilot was crawling out, Fallon met his eyes and gave him an apologetic look, "You're welcome to come with us Pilot." Pilot nodded and understood but didn't move in fear of what Benedict would do if he left his best friend. "Pilot! Where are you?!"

"Go, if you stay he'll rip you to shreds." Fallon nodded and sped off into the distance, "Do you all have your devices on?"

"Yes." Hawk said.

"I think so." Venner replied a bit shaken from the ordeal. Hawk looked back at Venner's face and nodded.

"You're fine, Ven."

"What the hell were you thinking, Fallon? You could've killed us all." Hawk reprimanded his little sister. Fallon only smiled and kept driving.

"At least he wo'nt be bothering us anymore."

"Yeah, because he's probably dead." Hawk replied.

"Pfft! Please, I heard him screaming. He'll be fine."

"Sometimes I worry about you, Fallon. You can be a bit murderous."

She laughed and drove in the direction of the gate, "How are we going to get past this barrier?"

"Yeah...hold on tight." She pushed on the gas, speeding right through the old metal gate. The bots had caught the frequency and were disoriented the minute they approached. Once the three were far away enough, the frequency dropped, leaving the two bots guarding the door confused before they realized the gate had been breached.

"That's it, pull over, I'm driving!" He demanded his sister angrily. "Get in the back."

"Ugh, fine." She pulled over and Hawk scooted to the driver's seat. She plopped in the back with Venner, a little displeased that she was kicked out of the driver's seat. Hawk continued to drive into Derelict, where Fallon had last seen her parents. The reality of where they were set in and her heart didn't know whether to triumph in joy or sink from devastation. She was in Derelict now, the place she only dreamed of coming to in order to recover her parents...what if...what if they were dead?

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