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Hawk looked at the controls and tried pulling at levers and pushing at buttons to no avail. "We're sitting ducks!"
The train kept speeding up as they entered Cinders, the wheels sparking and spitting fire.
"We have to try and derail it." Fallon told them.
"Are you insane? That will surely kill us!" Ben argued. Fallon looked at how fast the town was coming into view. "We have to try something or we could hit another barrier."
Hawk looked about what was left of the engine room and decided to crawl under the control panel.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Come on Fallon, you're the mechanic I need your help down here. Fallon gave her brother a nod and looked at pilot.
"See if there are any tools around in the next car over." Pilot obeyed her and left to find her tools. She joined hawk down under the controls and opened up a panel, it sparked having been disturbed by the crash. The wires all criss crossed among each other.
"Okay, I see the one that controls the speed but the wire is spliced, I can't get this to slow down if I don't solder it back together."
"What do you need?"
"I need Titus, I know he's got something on him to fix this."
"I'll go and get him."
Fallon shook her head, "The Train is going too fast, you'll get thrown off."
"Hey, I trusted you, now it's time for you to trust me." He left her and slowly started to climb his way out of the car.
Ben took hold of his arm, "What the hell Is wrong with you?"
"Shut up and keep Fallon safe."
Ben watched as he clung to the outside of the train. He climbed up to the top of  the engine car and stood at the edge, staring at the next car. He took a deep breath and jumped onto the next car. He chuckled a bit, grateful that he had made it. He got a running start and jumped onto the next one, a rattling auto track that swayed and bounced. He knew that Titus and his mother were about ten cars behind, he could picture the way it looked in his mind keeping note of it.
He sprinted to the next car, jumping onto the top once again. His feet started to ache from the harsh impact of the metal slamming down on his soles. He kept up the pace, running and jumping over car after car. He took one last jump not realizing the present car was unlike the rest. His eyes went big and tucked in his body before landing on the flat car. He gasped for air, the breath being knocked out of him. He gripped the railing of the frame of the car realizing he had almost rolled off. With the strength he had left, he pulled himself up slowly, rolling back onto the platform to catch his breath.
Hawks vision rotated vigorously before gripping into the last car he had to climb. He inched himself to the door and slid it open. They all were startled seeing Hawks weak body hanging from the outside of the car.
They urgently pulled him inside and closed the door.
"What are you thinking?!"
"The train, it's got to slow down or we'll-" he glanced at Titus and grabbed him. "Fallon needs you up there, she needs your help."
"I'm on it. Rest, Hawk."
Titus opened the door and climbed up to the next car, his limbs pattering like a metal spider against it. It didn't take Titus long to reach the front of the train, he swung in after scaling the cars like a millipede.
"Fallon I'm here."
"Down here. I need your welding arm."
He slid down under the controls and looked at the compartment.
"I see, shield your eyes Fallon." He took out his welding arm and soldered the  wire back together and back into the socket. The train started to slow and chugged at a steady pace. The four of them all took a sigh of relief and Fallon stood to survey the surroundings. Cinders was in ruins, all black ashen with smoke rising to the sky to choke the clouds. The city looked deserted and alone as if the town had been bombed.
"Well, at least it feels like home." She said unhappily. She shook her head and climbed up to the top of the car, taking the same route as her brother did.
"What are you doing?" Ben asked her.
"Just drive it, it's not going to hit anything. I suspect there's nothing but land covered in ash for miles." Titus followed her as they made their way back. Fallon's heart seemed to feel like it was turning to stone again. Still nothing, no hope to be found. Cinders had to be the worst city she had ever seen. There was no way that anyone could live here.
She slid the door open and joined them all in the box car, leaving the door wide open to sit at the edge.
Venner sighed and sat next to her, letting his feet dangle over the edge.
"I'm done trying, Ven." She said looking out at the devastation before her, tears blurring her vision. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her close. "I know you better than that, Fal. You'll get tired of the complacency and move on again."
"Move to what exactly?" She stared at him. "Do you see this? There's nothing, it's barren just like Desolate. There really isn't a promised land out there. Elysium has been killed." She dropped her head, her alabaster locks like a spirit dancing in the wind.
"Looks can be deceiving." He looked out into the distance, seeing the smoke and ashes suffocate the air.
"There it is! The rogue train!" Fallon heard a voice from afar before she was dragged out of the car by her ankle by an unseen force. Venner jumped out after her chasing after her dragging body.
"Venner!" Fallon cried out after him. The train jolted to a stop and a group of people brandishing guns circled the rest of the family, appearing out of no where. They ushered them into the brush where Fallon had disappeared into.
"Let her go." Without considering the fact that the specter was invisible, he dove at where he guessed it was and fought it off of Fallon. He tumbled around with the unseen creature until he was pinned to the ground. He heard a gasp in the air, it sounded like a female voice.
"Show yourself." He gritted his teeth. He heard a click and the face he saw before him sho Joy and fear in his heart like a needle full of sedative. The same pair of electric blue eyes staring back at him.
"Clara?" He asked in disbelief.
She seemed to be just as shocked, "Hello, dad."

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