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"HA!" Fallon threw a punch towards Hawk but he blocked her and flipped her and she landed on her back.

"OH!" She grunted from the force as her back met the ground. "Hawk!"

"Hey, you were the one that wanted to practice sparring, not my fault you're a bit rusty." He shrugged.

Leo, Fira and Venner sat watching the two go at it. It was amusing to see since Fallon, though a tough fighter, never gave up on trying to get one up on her stronger brother.

"Come on, Fallon." Leo laughed. "You used to smack your big brother around when you were younger. What happened?"

Venner seemed to be a bit entertained as well, watching Fallon train and fight with her brother was very interesting to him. Fallon was five foot and Hawk was a solid six feet tall. Her attempt at trying to bring him down was starting to get hilarious. She took her stance once again and they both circled each other.

"Oh, this is going to be interesting." Venner chuckled.

"She's up to something now." Leo replied.

Fallon kept her stance as they both waited for each other to make the first move, Hawk could tell that his little sister had something cooking in her mind of what she wanted to do.

"Never tell your opponent what you're thinking, sis." Hawk let out a laugh. "Come on now, where's your poker face?"

"No opponent talks this much, Hawk."

"I think cabin fever has set in with you, Sis. You seem a bit rabid."

Fallon held in a laugh, this whole sparring session was just too entertaining, even for her but she had to focus, or he would win once again. Fallon threw the first practice hit and they both started to fight, Hawk was gaining the upper hand and had her in a headlock. She pushes his elbow back and takes a hold of his neck and pushes him down while locking his arm.

"That's my girl! You finally did it!" Leo applauded along with Venner.

Hawk gets up and sits with the other men to take a breather. Leo gets up and faces his daughter, "You tired yet?" he asked, taking his fighting stance.

"Oh, God. No, not you. That's not fair."

"What's the matter, Little Wisp? Can't spar with your old man?"

"You know I respect you too much to fight you." She crossed her arms.

"Come on now, Fallon. We all have been in the Viper for five days and we're all looking for entertainment and you seem to be the one to provide it."

"I don't want to fight my Dad." She whined. Venner and the other two snicker on the side when she whines, it's a sound no one has ever heard from her until now.

"Come on, Wisp. Be a good sport." Leo encouraged her. Fallon winced, knowing her father and his fighting ways...this was going to hurt.

Venner and the others watched as the two of them fought, Fallon desperately trying to get the upper hand but couldn't. Apart from Hawk who was muscular and well-toned and tall, Leo was just as tall but much burlier than her brother. Compared to Hawk, he was a bulldozer.

"Do you think that she will win against Leo?" Venner asked Hawk and Fira.

"Not a chance, Leo knows all her moves and tricks."

"She was able to take down Benny back in Desolate."

"Benny is an idiot." Hawk shrugged.

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