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 Hawk wandered the building, finding a flight of stairs, he climbed down the cement steps to hear the sound of voices, crying. He peered over the corner to see a picture so dreadful, there, in front of his eyes were a group of men and women. They all had restraisnts that looked like there was something stabbing into their wrists. He scanned the room, spotting Fallon in the far corner, closed in and watching everyone carefully. This must be the room they keep all the people that have been bought.

"Hey, there Sweetheart! Its time for your debut." Angus grabbed Fallon by the arm and dragged her up a pair of hidden stairs. Where were they taking her. He raced back upstairs to alert Venner. "Ven." He sat down next to him at the dingy bar, "We are in need of that distraction."

"Did you find her?" He asked concerned and Hawk nods. "Yeah, they brought her upstairs. I don't know what they are about to do to her so I suggest you make it fast." He told his friend.

"Okay." Venner looked at the saddened man at the other end of the bar and approached him, "So, you like selling your kids do you?!" Venner asked angrily, staring into the man's face, his fury pumping through him like an inferno.

"Listen I had no-" The man's voice was cut short when Venner's fist came hurling through the air and colliding with his face. His back smacked up against the bar, glancing at his bottle of booze and swinging it at Venner's large frame. Hawk looked around and noticed the same man, Angus who took Fallon away was now working the room, talking to the other guests. He noticed the fight in the back of the room and came towards them.

At the same time, one of the walls raised up like a motorized gate to reveal what looked like a fighting ring. There in the middle of the spray painted circle was Fallon, her wrists adorned the same needle like shackles. "Fallon?!" Hawk called after her.

"Whoa there." Angus grabbed him by the collar, forcing Hawk to look at him. "If you want her, then you'll have to pay for her."

Hawk's blood boiled and threw a right hook to his adam's apple, sending Angus into a fit of coughs and holding his throat. Fallon looked on, happy to see her brother and Venner were there to rescue her from such a terrible place. She heard foot steps behind her and someone's hot breath upon her neck. She turned around slowly to see a tall bald man, his face too deformed from so many fights to call it a face. His skin sunk in and puckered in certain places and his scars were too numerous to count. He was pale, almost grey skinned and it sounded like he was wheezing.

"Oh, God." She muttered under her breath. "Stay back." She warned, taking a step back from him as he approached her.

"I must fight." He replied almost robotically.

"Stay away from me, I mean it!" she replied defensively.

The man didn't listen, his mind had been too scattered from the many rounds he had been in all of his life. He operated like a machine, knowing exactly what to do when he entered the ring. Automatically he picked her up, throwing her across the ring. She landed on her hip, her body kicking up the dirt around her. She quickly stumbled up to see him coming at her in an almost automatic demeanour.

She couldn't do anything, her wrists were bound and his wasn't, Angus the idoiot didn't take them off. She shook her head, getting free from them wasn't an option, the needles would burrow into her skin. She balled her fists and swung them at the man's face, getting him to stumble back enough for her to try and leave the ring.

"Hawk!" She shouted. He heard his sister's cry and looked over at Venner who was now in the middle of a big brawl with three other men. "Venner!" He shouted. "Get Fallon out of here!"

Venner heard his order and looked at Fallon in the ring. He forced his way out of the fray and hurried to Fallon who was still fighting off the monsterous man. By the time he reached her, she had her arms around her opponent's neck.

"Do something, I can't hold onto him much longer!" She screamed.

Venner took out his knife, slashing the back tendons of his left ankle, sending him to his knees screaming in pain. Fallon climbed off of him and Venner noticed her shackles, he shook his head and grabbed her arm, ushering her out of the building while the fight was still going on.

"What are you doing?! Hawk is still in there." She shruggled out of his arms.

"He's the one who told me to get you, I'm sure he will be right behind us." He advised her.

"And where do you suppose we go, huh?!" She panted angrily. "I am not leaving without my brother." Hawk had finally beaten Angus unconscious, standing up and ready to leave. A commotion was heard from the front doors of the building, some men bursting through and the crowd scattering finally. "Find the slaves and free them, they're downstairs."

The voice of the man made the hairs on the back of Hawk's neck stand on end. A feeling of pure joy and cold fear washed over him as he turned to see the owner of the voice, red hair. Hawk couldn't fight the faint smile that crossed his face when he saw the familar face, it was so good to see him. The tall red headed man gave a loud whistle that shot throught the whole room, making his ears ring. Suddenly a giant gray wolf came running towards him, "Faris, find them." He ordered the wolf and it lead the way with a few others following it.

"Leo?" Hawk's voice made the man look straight at him, knowing who it was immediately.

"Hawk?" He looked the young man up and down, a smile creeping up on his face. Hawk smiled back, overjoyed.

"I am so glad to see you."

"Where is my daughter? Where is Fallon?" He asked urgently, his eyes full of desparation hoping for a good answer.

"She's safe, she is with a friend of ours."

Rogue. (IN REVISION)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon