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 Morning came in with rolling fog and a bluish hue set upon the grey sky. A violent knock was heard on the door of the house, echoing against the inside walls. Fallon sprang up and rushed down the stairs to see what the fuss was about. A sleeping Venner and Hawk arose once they had heard the urgent pounding on the door. Fallon looked out the nearby window and rolled her eyes angrily, "Who is it?" Hawk asked.

"Who do you think?" She opened the door and let Benedict and Pilot inside.

"You have to hide me." He said urgently. "The Tompers are raiding my house and there's at least twenty bottles of Tripizole in there." Benedict told her.

"How did they even know that you had it?" She asked.

"We're guessing that someone saw us and reported it." Pilot told her gently.

"I can't just leave it there, The Kuni need it." Benedict stressed.

"Benny, I don't have time for you right now. Hide in here if you like but don't ask me to do anything else. This is all your fault." She let them in, wondering deep down why she even had the thought of doing so.


"I shouldn't even be doing anything for you since you left me to die and robbed me just yesterday." She huffed. "I'm doing this so you know who you're indebted to." She gave his chest a hard poke. "Its still dark out, you'll be safe here." Fallon looked at the shorter man beside his best friend. "Morning Pilot." She glanced at his friend.

"Morning, Fallon. Thank you for repairing my home." He replied hoping to lighten the mood in the room.

"Its nothing. I'm just glad it was only the heating that needed fixed." she shrugged.

"And as a thanks I grabbed this for you." Pilot hoisted the toolbox up and to her. Her eyes lit up as she took it in her hands. she opened the box to see the tools laid out nicely inside. "You didn't have to do that." She smiled gratefully.

"Benedict told me you had been wanting it. Whatever my Fallon wants she gets." He winked. Fallon hugged her good friend. Pilot was a funny man, he was much shorter than his comrade and always wore unique and strange outfits. He looked like a leader of a side show. He wore a grey jacket and black pants, a curly mustache and a goatee decorated his charmingly, whimsical face and a bowler hat on his head. A pair of welding goggles with amber lenses sat upon the brim.

He was Benny's con-artist, the trickster in all of his business plans and schemes. Surprisingly, Fallon liked Pilot much more than she did her cousin. That was because Pilot knew who to trick and who not to, he was always a trustworthy person in Fallon's eyes. He never schemed on his family and Pilot considered her as such which she respected.

"You have to help us, we can't just leave it there. If we could just transport it to The Kuni then everything will be fine." Benedict stated.

"I'll make it up to you." Benedict spoke up.

"Yeah, dig deep dumbass. It will cost you." Fallon looked at Venner and Hawk who shrugged. "This is the last thing I ever do for you. Stay here, the guys and I will handle it."

She secretly stuck the 'Mirage' device behind her ear, looking at her two friends. They did the same. The three of them left in the dark morning, sneaking into Benedict's little house. A few bots were spotted in a room where the cargo sat upon the floor. The bots beeping and scanning each bottle of the powder.

"Benny is such an idiot, doesn't he know that you never store drugs at home?" Fallon stated to the men behind her. Hawk chuckled and followed her into the room full of police robots, The Tompers immediately started to look at each other confused and tried to unscramble their brains. Fallon looked at Hawk gratefully, he was a genius when he worked hard enough.

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