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 Benedict walked the streets in silence, mulling over what he could do with his short shipment of Elate. He turned the corners and dodged the other wandering towns people as he got lost in his thoughts. He'd have to go to an old family member for a few chemicals and make a few thousand of the patches just to make up for the demand. He wasn't sure how they would react to seeing him after such a long time of silence between them. Benedict knocked on the door and a familiar white haired beauty opened the door to greet him with a not so greeting frown. "What the hell do you want?"

"Is that how you greet all of your clients, dear cousin?" He asked with an amused grin on his face.

"Only the ones that have an angle for coming to me. You, cousin, are always guilty of that." Fallon opened the door, letting him in. "Last time we saw each other, you almost sold my beloved house in one of your stupid little schemes." She said pouring a cup of tea in a couple of cups.

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that by the way." He muttered under his breath. Fallon gave a scoff and handed him his mug, "Cut to the chase, Benny. What is it that you want?" She leaned her elbows on the edge of the table folding her hands, waiting for him to speak.

"I need your help with some chemicals. My shipment of Elate is short this month." He confessed, Fallon nodded, she figured as much.

"You're still selling that death drug?" Fallon asked. "Ejova."

"I never stopped. and you seem to forget you used to-"

"That's because you didn't tell me about the full effects of it and I was desperate for money. My business has been thriving lately. There's no need to stoop down to your level anymore." She corrected, a tone of defense in her voice. She didn't like to be reminded of her past workings with her cousin, it made her skin crawl to think about it.

"You were good at it too. I miss working with you."

"Never again, I told you that. I have something called a conscience." She sat back in her chair, crossing her arms at him.

"Got to make ends meet right? we've all done awful things just to get by." He replied.

"You hand out drugs that kill people. You're still doing it. Aren't you tired of the blood that drips from your hands?" She asked.

"What am I supposed to do Fallon? I can't just take it away from The Living. They'll die with out it." He said to her a little frustrated by her convicting words.

"And they'll die using it too." She told him.

"Do you have the Tripizole or not? Your garage is teeming with it. All of the vehicles you use and your machines produce it. I don't want to sit here talking about morals. None of us have them at the moment." Benedict started to grow impatient.

"Only if you use the right oil can you produce Trip." She said delaying her answer on purpose. She wanted to know how much he desired it.

"All heavy duty vehicles like that Axe-Dune, that Serpent" he pointed to each vehicle in her garage "And Pilots Refuge Glider which I know you fixed last week, all run on Razor42 oil."

Tripizole was the main chemical to making Elate, it was a powdery substance that the Razor42 oil produced once it was used up in the tanks of vehicles and machines. Fallon had jugs of the powder, stored away in her garage. Tripizole was useful for other things than just recreational use, it was used as a weapon to stun an enemy and it was very useful for starting fires out in the wilderness.

"Are you short on Immortalizine too? Because I can't help you with that one." She lied, no one knew about her garden in the basement and she was going to keep it that way. Knowing Benedict, he would've sold each fruit for a fortune and she meant to protect her pearls with her life.

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