All Garde

519 11 18

One: surfer, loved Adam, Cepan: Hessu, sonic waves legacy

Two: Loved to read, Cepan: Conrad, wrote message online: Nine, now Eight, are the rest of you out there?, died in London, unknown legacies

Three: Cepan: unknown, died in Malaysia, superspeed legacy

Four: Loved Sarah Hart, Cepan: Brandon (Henri) , Father: Liren Mother: Lara, John Smith

Five: Traitor, Legacies: flying, externa, Cepan: Rey

Six: Legacies, invisibility, weather control, loves Sam, Cepan: Katarina, Maren Elizabeth

Seven: Cepan: Adel, Legacies: Ice, breathing underwater, night vision, loved Eight, Marina

Eight: Loves pizza, Legacies: Shapeshifting, teleportation, loves Seven, Cepan: Reynolds

Nine: Legacies: super speed, super strength, super hearing, anti-gravity, Cepan: Sandor

Ten: Mistake, Legacies: aerentus, dehendryn, reading minds, Cepan: Crayton, Grandfather: Setrakus Ra

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