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Hi Guys! This is just a little fanfic I wanted to write on the couple! Enjoy!

Marina's POV

We walk together, hand in hand, down the busy Chicago street. Small shops line the streets along with colorful signs and designs. People walk by quickly. We're really two Loric Garde, but in their eyes were just two goofy teenagers. Eight pulls me in closer to the point where he's breathing down my neck. I laugh quietly and look back into his green eyes full of mischief. 

"What should I do for you?" He asks slyly.

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Well, you did save my life," he responds, while a bright smile covers my face.

"Hmm," I say, "you could get me a hot dog."

Eight looks offended and hurt.

"What?" I ask.

"How could you, I'm a vegetarian!" He exclaims.

I laugh and he stares at the pizza shop across the street.

"How about pizza?" He then asks. 

I agree and soon we're sitting at a table eating pizza and I have to admit, it is pretty good. Then, we're back on the bustling Chicago street.

Eight speaks, "Maybe pizza will be our always." 

"Pizza?" I ask slightly confused.

"Pizza," he confirms.

Then, he spins me once more into a hug, while I stare into those green mischievous eyes. 

He comes close to my ear and whispers, "I love you, Marina."

Our faces come closer and closer together and all the sounds, people, and lights seem to go away. It's like there is only us two in this world. Our lips touch together embracing in a kiss. His soft lips mending my much to broken heart. Eight is everything to me. I love him, but then he's gone.

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