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I am writing a fanfic. over Lorien Legacies called The Truth About Eleven check it out 


I decided to give you all a sneak peak of the first chapter called THE TRUTH

I bite my lip as white hot electricity flows through me. They've shocked me, again. Where am I or who am I, is what you might ask me. If you want to know the truth than you have to go way back, back when I had a family and right after the Mogadorian Invasion ended.

Before the invasion I moved to Nashville, Tennessee and went to a rich kid, private school called Ensworth. At first I hated going to school there but then I met a new friend named Maya. Maya was that kind of person who was always there for you, no matter what, and she was that kind person that would support all of your decisions. It was almost like happily ever after, almost. The Mogadorian Invasion started and our school shut down. I haven't seen Maya since then. My mom continued to homeschool me, but we had to learn from what we had. No one wanted to go out of their house, it was simply to dangerous. Everyday, there were rumors spread on the radio of how people, the brave enough ones, went out of their house and got killed in an instant. Just as the invasion was escalating, it stopped. John Smith came into town, saved everyone's ass and defeated Setrakus Ra. It ended so fast that some people simply couldn't comprehend it. People went back outside again and stores were rebuilt and just like that the Mogadorian Invasion ended. Kids were then soon reported to have superpowers called legacies and I had badly wanted one, but I didn't get any. That's when my hellish life began.

I had just left play practice and I was a little late. I had left my glasses at home, but there was only one car on the road, I suspected it was my mother's. It was the same white Honda Pilot my mom had, but I didn't have the same license-plate, I know that it was kind of strange that I memorize license plates, but it can come in handy. Being a little curious I tapped on the door and saw a scientist with a name plate that read Jeb Batchelder, but it was too late, I started to back away from the car only to be thrown in it by two other men behind me. As soon as I started to realize what was going on, I was struck with a tranquilizer dart. I woke up in a hospital, that the other kidnapped kids called the School and ever since then I've been in this h hole ever since.

Here is the cover:


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