All Legacies

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Ximic: One of the rarest legacies, it allows the user to copy and master any legacy met.

Externa: Five's legacy, ability to take on any element he touches

Glacen:  fire in one hand and ice in the other, may be elemental control.

Lumen: It is shown he can create fire and light from his hands, controlling it may be elemental control or pyrokenises

Miras: Like Nine, he can transfer his abilities as he does so to Loridas

Dreyden: He copied Dreyden from Setrakus Ra.

Avex: Like Five he learnt how to fly.

Chlorokenises: The manipulation of plants, he makes a flower grow out of a bare canyon.

Aeturnus: He never aged in the Fate of Ten, probably gotten through Ximic from Loridas

Telekineses: Like all Garde, he has telekineses.

Enhancements: Unlike normal Garde, he has enhanced speed, strength and stamina, more so than Lorien garde standards.

Terric: With this Legacy, a Garde can emit seismic vibrations, allowing him or her to create highly controlled earthquakes.

Anima - John's second legacy: The ability to communicate with animals. Although technically his first legacy, he discovered this Legacy later, near the end of the book one.

Healing - John's third legacy, developed at the end of the third book when Sarah is gravely injured and dying. Marina (Seven) has a healing ability as well, but while John describes his as a spreading warmth, Marina feels an icy shiver.

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