If I Met Setrakus Ra

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Me: So your name is, like, Setrakus Ra? So, is that name like hard to spell? Cause if I had that name I know I would've been pissed cause I can barely spell me own name. Do people like pronounce your name wrong? Like, do they say seat-ra-cuss? If someone said my name like that I would be so, like, mad. Anyway, do you like candy? Cause I have a-

SR: Would you just shut up?!

Me: Hmm, sorry to break it to you dude, but I literally can't. Yo, Setrakus! Can I call you SR, like, for now at least? Like, sorry to hurt your feelings, if you even have any, but your name is so complicated. I mean, what did your parents call you when you were younger? Like Setrakus Ra isn't exactly considered a cute name for babies. Wait! Were you like an orphan? Wait, is that even possible? Omg! I don't really feel bad if you were and orphan, but unlike you I do have a heart. So I feel like bad for you, but like my sadness is like very small. It's like the size of a crumb or like a bug. It's like microscopic, wait no, actually, it's the size of a Kit-Kat. Omg! Do you like Kit-Kats'? Have you tried the dark chocolate one? It is like so good. You want me to descirbe it to you-

SR: I can't focus on hunting the Garde with you here and with you talking so much!

Me: Oh my GOSH! The Garde are so FRICKING hot! I feel like really bad for One though. You know, cause she like died first or whateva. One and I would've been like besties cause I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVVVVVVEEEEE surfing. Oh and then there is Two. She must've been so nice! Oh and Two loves reading JUST LIKE MEEEEE!!! Three and I though, I don't think we have much in common. Oh and then there's Four aka John Smith and he is sooo hot! Like, I wanna marry him! He has the kindest personality and such a caring heart!!!! And then there's Five, don't even get me started on that bitch. Have you met Six? She is such a badass chic! And Seven is so sweet, she did not deserve to see the love of her life die. Oh and poor Eight!! Then there's Nine who has a big ego and acts like a dork, but it's still, like, so cute. OMG! And then there is Ten aka Ella!!! We could so pass as like twins! We love like all the same things!! Ugh, I forgot though. Her great old grandad is SR also known as the head of destroying everything! I feel so bad for her. Like I could not like with such a mean and-

SR: You know what? I'm just going to execute you right now.

Me: Actually, that's fine. There is a deal though. If you kill me can you bury me next to Eight?

SR: It is literally impossible for me to imagine any other human in this world who is as annoying as you.

Me: Is that a compliment?

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