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So I've been reading the Lorien Legacies Chronicles (Trial By Fire) and I feel the Garde are a lot weaker than they were.
In the book, Six isn't as strong as she used to be, her Legacies are taken away from her, she can't brake out of simple restraints, and she seems to never have a plan. She can't defeat an MMA fighter even with her Legacies, but she is the same person that killed squadrons of Mogan without breaking a sweat.

For Sam, his Legacies are taken away from him to, he's not as smart as he used to be, and he seems to cower in fear when it comes to the people they're fighting. LIKE WUT?!

We also don't hear from John, Marina, or Ella which really bothers me! Nine seems to have calmed down by like ALOT!!! I mean, he no longer is the Nine that makes gross jokes and talks obnoxiously!! I miss the old Garde so much- I miss the Nine that was constantly annoying. I miss the John that was always there for everyone. I miss the Marina that trusted and cared for everyone. I miss the carefree Ella. I miss the nerdy Sam. I miss the badassy Six. Soooo yeah....

It's safe to say that I'm pretty angry at the book....

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