23.A Few Months Later

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It was now February and Ben had not been Spider-Man since December. Ben and Grace both interned at Oscorp after Harry Osborn,Emma's father approached them after the funeral. Ben an Grace both accepted for the chance to work at Oscorp and have a bit of money in their pockets. Ben's mother was still in the hospital as her condition had gotten worse. The doctors had found that the bullet had gone through the lower part of her spine and were uncertain if she would be able to walk. The doctors decided to keep her in the hospital for longer. Ben felt stressed as the medical bills went up and up. He was hoping he could make enough money in the internship. Emma on the other hand,well no one heard from Emma. She was always at school but had minor scratches that some would notice but didn't question. Ben and Grace hadn't spoken to Emma as Emma wouldn't even reply to them,in person or through text. But what about the city? Well the city had gone into a turf war. Mr.Negative resurfaced and had been battling with a group of criminals run by Tombstone. Tombstone was a crime boss in New York years ago,back when Peter was still Spider-Man. Carson and the NYPD had been trying to bring the Black Dragons and Tombstones gang down but with little success.

Ben was in the hospital visiting his mother alone. He saw all that was going on in New York and fuilt guilty. As he rode the elevator up the image of Ethan's father,Adrian Toomes or better known as the Vulture,at the Funeral. Ben remembered what Adrian had told Ben that day.

"I didn't want this life for him,but Ben I know you never meant to cause his downward spiral. You were a good friend to him and I can never repay you for that. One day I will find Spider-Man,and when I do,I'll kill him. For my son."

Ben was at a crossroads. He felt guilt and pain over the pain he had caused to those around him,but saw as the city had become a war zone. He made it to his mother's floor and walked in the room. She was sleeping.
"She must've fallen asleep to the news" said Ben quietly to himself. He watched the news reports of the violent gang wars,multiple police casualties,and reports of seeing The Lizard. Ben looked out the window as he heard the news reporters ask
"Where is Spider-Man?".

He then looked over at his mom and then at his hands. He knew what he had to do. He knew what needed to be done. He knew that Spider-Man had to return.

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