Friday 13th February

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Wow, the dorms at St Becket's are nice.

I guess coming from a diamond dynasty really pays off; Eddie and Jade are living the high life for sure. These rooms make it look like my family are living in a shack.

Anyway, we decided to hang out in Jade's room for the evening so we can run lines for the auditions.

I still can't believe I've been coerced in this whole charade.

I should have known. It is Friday the 13th after all.

To top it all off we are doing Bugsy Malone.

Fiona's New Yorker accent frightened the life out of me the first time I heard it. I thought she was having a stroke.

But nope, she was just trying to channel her inner Jodie Foster.

I sincerely hope that version remains firmly on the inside.

I hope we get to use potato guns like in the movie. We could stage a revolution and pelt the teachers- Sourface Perez in particular after today's lesson.

Take that for claiming I don't know how to conjugate verbs you old hag!!

I don't, she's right. But that's not the point. I really just want to smack her in the face with mashed potato.

Jade's phone goes off as Fiona shows us the dance she has choreographed.

Thank the Lord for that particular interruption.

'It's Eddie. He's going to order a pizza and wants to know if we are coming over,' Jade looks up for confirmation.

'We're allowed in his dorms?'

Jade grins.



I think I've broken something.

It turns out Jade's version of being allowed in the boy's dorm is having to sneak in.

I wouldn't have minded but it involved far too much climbing for my liking. Not to mention rummaging through some bushes to get under the window.

Trust Eddie's room to be on the third floor. We had to use the bloody drainpipe to shimmy up.

And I have the upper body strength of a wet noodle, so you can imagine how that went.

'Here's a plaster...'

'Do you want some antiseptic cream?'

'That bump on your head is barely noticeable, I swear.'

Why does this keep happening TO ME??


Hiding in Eddie's bathroom. It's quite nice in here actually, especially as it's Eddie's. All four of us girls are stuck in the bath hiding behind the shower curtain as Wilson, the mean old dorm master of Eddie's building, does his rounds.

Hiding, yet again.

It seems to be becoming a theme in my life.

Suddenly the shower curtain is ripped back, and we all scream. It's just Eddie, the rat.

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