Monday 23rd February

3 1 0


Same bat time, same sodding place.

How is it whenever there's a break in school, like half term or summer holidays, the minute you walk back into the building it feels as if you've never been away?

I wonder if repeat criminal offenders feel this way?


So, there's been no sign of Prince Dreamboat. I haven't seen him since our little rehearsal a couple weeks ago.

Knowing my luck he probably went home to Monaco for a week, met his betrothed Princess Sofia and decided not to come back to school, preferring to rub sun cream all over her long-legs-a-lot.

Ah, hells teeth.


I knew it was too good to be true.

I just can't believe I didn't meet her before, after all every school has one.

Adeline Collins. Or the Hell Queen, to give her proper title.

Jason Seagull, I have your first mission. Kill her.


Sat in Fiona's Café preparing to discuss battle plans against Adeline.

But first, I need background info.

'So, what's her deal? And who's the psycho slime ball following her around?'

Fiona snorts into her coffee cup whilst Jade pounds her on the back.

'That's William. He's her boyfriend. He's a little snotrag with more money than brain cells; hence why the attraction to Adeline. Her mother's this big time West End star; her dad's a movie mogul. The real Hollywood cliché, right down to her attitude,' Eddie explains.

'So, she's constantly in brat mode?'

'Pretty much.'

'What've I ever done to her?'

'Simple. You exist, and you spoke to Théo.'

'Théo? What's Prince Dreamboat got to do with all this?'

'He's her ex.'

Annnnnnnd... I'm dead.


So, here's the gist and nub and short of it all...even though Adeline is dating William, a five-foot-five scowling mouse-like creature, because she saw me talking to Théo in the corridor THAT ONE TIME after I conked him in the eye at Deco 5, I am now Enemy Number One.

Soon there are going to be wanted 'DEAD OR ALIVE' posters of me all round St Beckets.

And the pull she seems to have in the school? I'm betting most students will be swinging in favour of the DEAD side of things.

This is perfect.

No, really it is.

I was just thinking about how I was due a good arch-enemy. Every heroine needs one.


I'm not emotionally prepared for this.

I mean, people have KILLED others in the name of royalty.

And those people were fully grown men and women.

Everyone knows teenage girls are FAR worse.

I'm going to die in this poxy seaside village; I just know it.

When can we move back to London already???

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