Thursday 26th February

6 1 0


I've managed to avoid Adeline and her pesky boyfriend for two days now, so my heart rate is starting to return to normal.

It's like I said to the gang: 'how can she hold this against me? I haven't done anything! And she's dating someone else! Why does he hate me?'

'Yeah, but William is too stupid to realise why they hate you, he just does what Adeline tells him.'

'So why is she bothered about whom Théo talks to?'

'William may be loaded, Daphne, but he's not royalty. Adeline is gagging to get back with Prince Dreamboat; William is just a back-up plan. Any girl seen talking to him is a threat.'

I don't know what scares me more, Adeline or the fact that Eddie has started to refer to Théo as 'Prince Dreamboat' as well.


Eddie sneaks into the girl's dorm with us to discuss this further.

'Well, why doesn't Adeline hate you three as well?' I ask the girls.

'Oh, she did for a while. But I'm out of the running because I'm Eddie's sister, and apparently, it's guy code that you don't date your mate's sister, or some crap like that,' Jade says, passing round a bag of Jelly Beans.

'And you two?'

They both shrug.

'I'm too short for Théo apparently,' Alex says, rummaging through the bag for a coconut flavoured sweet.

'And I'm a redhead. The Royal family would never let that happen.'

Wait, what? 'Who said this?'

All four of my friends speak at once.


'So, because I have blonde hair, am tall and don't have any siblings that are friends with Théo, I am a threat?'

'About sums it up.'

My life is over.

And to top it all off, auditions for the school play are tomorrow.

With any luck, Adeline will find and kill me before then, so every cloud has a silver lining. 

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