Monday 16th March

4 1 0


I've been looking for Théo all morning. I spent the weekend practicing what I would say to him when I finally found him, and I've got it down to perfection.

I am ready for this.

Well, I was until lunchtime when Théo saw me in the corridor and LITERALLY turned and ran the other way. I went after him, but he had scurried into the boy's toilets. Gerard was outside looking all stoic, though he did shoot me a shrug of disbelief when he saw me standing there dumbfounded.

'Any idea when he's going to come out of there?' I ask him.

'When I knock that the coast is clear,' Gerard finally confesses.

Right. I reach round Gerard and knock on the door before he realises what I've done. Some bodyguard he is. I then step back and cross my arms, waiting for the Cowardly Prince to show his face.

My resolve crumbles a little bit when he steps out. His face is so pretty; it's very distracting. I just want to grab it and kiss it senseless.

His expression turns sour when he sees me and I become angry once more.

'Why are you ignoring me and Eddie?' I ask, not caring that all the people around us are staring. Théo tries to walk off, but Gerard discreetly sidesteps him so Prince Dreamboat walks directly into a wall of muscle and is forced to turn and face me.

'Eddie and I aren't a couple. I don't know what Hell- Adeline told you, but we are just friends,' I explain, watching his face change from angry to confused to...I want to say relieved, but that could just me being hopeful.

'You aren't?'

I shake my head, and something amazing happens. The biggest, most beautiful smile crosses his face, and I almost blinded by it for a second.

'Well, that is very good news indeed.'


I float home on a cloud.

'Well, that is very good news indeed...'

That's what he said. Prince Dreamboat. Said that. To me. Daphne Monroe.

Great, I can't even THINK in full sentences anymore; that's how far gone I am.

'Well, that's very good news...'

There's no denying it; Fee has to be right for once in her life. Théo could quite possibly, maybe, have a slight crush on yours truly.


Only... well, now that I think about it, he didn't actually ask me out. He just said, well, we know what he said.

Oh no.

'Oh, hello librarian of the Library of Love...I need something that clears up mixed signals? Thank you so much...'


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