Friday 27th February

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A sighting at last!! Prince Dreamboat is back on the radar!

Unfortunately, it was during the disastrous auditions after school for the play.

Well, I say disastrous- they actually went fine which means we are all guaranteed a role, to my utmost disgust.

But chivalry isn't dead because Théo and a bunch of his mates have volunteered to help out backstage.

I don't know how I feel about this.

One thing I do know for sure however, Gerard is DEFINITELY not pleased with Théo's offer. I think the thought of being around artistic thespians scares him a little.

You and me both buddy.


The girls flit off to go and flirt with the rest of the lacrosse team Théo had dragged in with him during rehearsals so Eddie and I decide to head over to the cafeteria to grab something to eat.

It's odd; it's never been just Eddie and me alone before.

I never noticed how easy he is to talk to, I don't even think of him as a guy.

I mean, I KNOW he's not a girl, he's way too tall and cool-looking to be mistaken for one. He's got blonde hair, but dark almost golden-y that curls crazily like mine. Only unlike mine, Eddie seems to have figured out a way to make it like that old timey stud Jack Dean's level of messy, all rugged like he just stepped off a motorcycle and ran his hands through it.

Life isn't fair.

Mother Nature is a cruel woman sometimes.


'So, you think you'll get a good part?' Eddie asks.

'I hope not. I just want a role big enough so I can hang out with you guys, but small enough so I don't have to do any actual work.'

Eddie laughs and throws an arm around my shoulder.

'Where have you been all my life Monroe?'

This makes me laugh. It's weird, but around Eddie I can just be myself. I don't say stupid things that I know I should- that's a lie, I totally do but I don't feel like a complete weirdo afterwards.

I've never had that with a guy who I'm not related to.

I sort of like it.


'So, how many friends do you have back in London?' Eddie says.

We're sitting on the school wall outside waiting for the rest of the gang to stop their faffing around the boys and join us. They are such tarts, it's so embarrassing.

'Oh, well... let me think...there is Rose... yep, that's it.'

Eddie raises his eyebrows in surprise.

'Really? One friend? Why? You seem, well, alright I suppose.'

I give him a hefty shove that nearly sends him flying off the wall, but he manages to recover.

'Spill. Spill, spill, spill.'

'Alright! Some people weren't too keen to be friends with the girl who threw up all over them during an assembly in year three.'

Why did I tell him that? WHY??

He just sits there in stunned silence for a moment.

'You...threw up?'

'Quite violently, I might add.'

Well, the truths out there now, might as well roll with it.

'All over everyone?'

'Pretty much.'

Eddie continues to stare, a smile spreading all over his stupid face.


'I think I'm in love.'

'Shut up now Eddie.'


Fee, Alex and Jade finally roll their tongues away and join us outside the school.

They are all giddy and giggling, twittering away to one another like three sparrows in school uniform.

'There you are, you done reducing men to a piece of meat for the day?'

'Don't get all defensive Eddie. That's why we wanted the vote after all,' Jade says.

Sometimes she amazes me with her wisdom. Although I don't think the women who burned their bras back in the day would agree with her statement.

'Come on, I'm so cold my nose is going to snap off. Let's go somewhere warmer.'

We all jump off the wall and start heading towards town when I hear my name being called behind us.

Turning around, my hands start getting all sweaty.

Théo is running towards us. Oh, he's so dreamy; he's like the men on the cover of Fee's romance novels.

Only thankfully he doesn't have a half-naked woman draped all over him. Would be a bit difficult, he is running quite fast.

Brain, FOCUS.

Wow. He's changed out of his uniform and is now wearing a smart suit that...well, it just hugs EVERYTHING.

Thank you, Armani, whoever you may be.

I'm going to need either divine intervention or medical attention to help me out of this one. Christ alive, I may pass out.

'Hey Daphne, I'm glad I caught you.'

'What's up?'

Nice, relaxed, cool as a cucumber, that's me.

'I'm having a party at my father's country house next weekend and wondered if you wanted to come? Eddie and the girls too, of course?'

What did he just say?

Am I hallucinating? I'm tempted to reach out to make sure he is real, but that might be a bit weird.


He smiles. Don't do that, I can't bloody think when you do that!

'Oui. Just a small party; only a few friends. You in?'

I think I replied but after that everything is blank.


Phew. Wow. So that's that then.

I've been invited to a house party by a Prince. In his Dad's country estate.

Apparently, he's sending a car to pick us up and take us there.

On Saturday. Next week.

I don't remember that bit; Fiona had to fill me in.

OK then.



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