Wednesday 25th March

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With all the excitement of the past few days I had completely forgotten about this sodding play that we're all involved in.

The four of us, along with the rest of the cast and the backstage crew are all gathered in the school theatre hall waiting for The Hodge to turn up and rally us into some sort of order. Fee sneaks over to me and nudges me in the ribs.

'Théo keeps looking over at you,' she whispers, loudly enough for the whole hall to hear.

I nudge her back slightly harder, I mean an iota harder, and she goes flying off, disappearing into the third aisle of seats, much to Eddie's amusement. She reappears a moment later with a face like thunder and the same colour as her flaming hair.

It is very funny to look at, like an angry Oompa-Loompa.

'Alright, alright students, gather round!' Hodge's booming voice travels across as he walks through the door and leaps onto the stage. 'I have some brilliant news for you all...'

Any news involving this poxy play cannot be good.


Fantastic news!! The Hodge has said for our production of Bugsy Malone we can use REAL potato guns!!

Hallelujah and God Bless the Queen. There are miracles in the world after all.

'I knew I wanted to be in this play for a reason,' I say to Jade, who just shakes her head and pokes her tongue out at me.

'Right, sure. Is that as much as you wanted to wear the Choos again?'

'Oh, har har. Very funny.'

Over on the stage The Hodge is poncing back and forth whilst messing around with one of the potato guns. I watch as two of Théo's friends put up a piece of tarp on the opposite end of the stage, hanging it up like a target.

'This is amazing,' Eddie says with glee, 'I never want this moment to end.'

The Hodge takes aim, squeezing one eye closed as he holds the gun to his shoulder.

Everyone holds their breath as his fingers closes around the trigger.


Mashed potato smacks into the tarp with a force so strong it covers both the tarp and the boy standing either side of it. We collectively watch, motionless, as the potato slowly slides down the plastic and hits the floor with a squelchy thud.

Everyone is silent for a brief moment before total chaos ensues and we all start screeching with laugher. Fee actually falls over clutching her stomach whilst Eddie and Alex have to cling to one another to stay upright.

'That...was...amazing,' Jade wheezes through her tears of laughter.

Amongst the loud sound of our hysterics I hear The Hodge awkwardly clear his throat as he runs to help the two poor souls who are covered in mashed potato.

'Yes...well, sorry boys. I may have to tone it down slightly.'

Best. Day. Ever. 

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