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Jungkook POV

Jin: the reason Tae call me was because... Tae... He... He was raped.

WHAT!!!  Me and Namjoon say at the same time. We stared at Jin as he began to cry. I saw Namjoon hug him and whisper in Jin ears. As he tries to come him down. I looked away to give them some privacy.

I got up and began to pace around the living room. I was mad, more then mad. I was furious. I want to smash that baster face. After a while I come down. As I sit down, I saw Namjoon and Jin sitting quietly.

Jin: "It happen when he was 12 years old. It was Jihun, that the name of the kid. I try to help him, but Tae was scared. Jihun knew that I knew what he did to Tae. So, that when he told his mom and step dad that I was the one touching Tae. My mom and dad believe me, but Tae stepdad didnt. that when I was not allowed to be near Tae. It broke my heart. I always seen Tae as my little brother. I didnt know what to do and Tae didnt want me to tell no one.  After that I didnt know anything about him, until last year. But then I didnt hear anything about him again, until Wednesday night. I received a call form Tae crying, asking for my help. When I got there, he told me that Jihun try to rape him again, but this time Tae got away. Thats when he decided to call me. he told me."

"Does anyone know his with you. Tell me this, do you think they may be looking for him." I said.

Jin: "I dont think so. We waited until everyone was asleep in my house, before I sneak into it and got him out through the back. I call my mom this morning before going to work, and she didnt say anything about it. to tell you the truth, the reason I ask Namjoon to call you is that I dont want to let him by himself while we at work. In case they come looking for him at my place."

dont worry nothing will happen to him while he is in my care. I said, and I meant every word I said.

Nam: "But what we going to do on Monday when we all have to go to work."

Jin: "I was thinking taking this week from work, but I cant. we already miss this last two days of work. Plus, we must finish the report for this coming up meeting next week."

Nam: "true."

I didnt want to leave little by himself.  Even doubt I just know him, I felt already very protective of him.

"Jin you dont have to worry, I can just work form home.  And If I must go to the office I just take him with me. And dont worry about this two days. I talk to Mrs. Lee and tell her you were in a business trip for me those days."

I am the grandson and soon to be CEO of COEX Center Mall. Since Namjoon is the President of COEX Center Mall, while Jin is his personal Assistant. I can help them.

Nam: "asssshhh, I keep forgetting that you our boss, soon to be the CEO of COEX Center Mall."

"Yes, been the grandson of the CEO of COEX Center Mall, has it benefits." I said.

Nam: "it nice to be best friends with the boss. It has it privileges."

Me and Namjoon have been best friend since childhood. His mother was my mother personal assistant. But she with my parents died on an airplane crash when I was 10 and Namjoon 12. My grandmother become the CEO of COEX Center Mall until I was ready. She makes sure Namjoon was well educated, then made him my right hand as President of COEX Center Mall.

Jin: "so it settles. Tae will stay with you.  I can now relax, I was going crazy all day thinking what do with Tae while I work."

"since I only have a mandatory meeting on Thursday morning, it be ok for me to work from home." I said.

Namjoon got up "well it late and am tired"

Jin: "we came back to tomorrow."

"No problem." I said as I walk them to the door.

I turn all the lights off and went upstairs.

I slowly and quietly open Taes door and look inside. Tae was sleeping peacefully. I close the door and walk to my room. After I finish changing I turn the lights off and walk to my bed and lay on it.

After 30 minutes of lying in bed without sleep, I heard the door slowly open. I look up and see Tae standing couple feet from my bed.  I lift my blanket. Tae rush and lay in bed beside me. I wrap my hand around him, as I cover us with the blanket.

Moments later, I heard Tae softly snoring beside me. I look down and stared at him. No one will ever hurt you again, I promise.

I softly kiss his lips.

Good night my sweet Tae-Bear.

!My Little Tae-Bear!
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