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Namjoon POV:

I open the door and walk into the apartment. Instantly, I knew something was wrong.  The apartment was dark and cold. I turn the lights on and saw the window open. I saw Jin walk to the bedroom, as he looks for Taehyung. I walk to the kitchen for some water. But I came to a stop once I saw the broken glass on the floor. I hear Jin yelling Taeyoung is not here as he came out the bedroom. I knew it was strange to find the door unlock.

"Do you think Tae want for a walk" said Jin all nervous.

I pull out my cellphone and made a call, as Jin stares at me. "yes, hello. I would like to report a brake in and kidnapping. Yes, please as fast you can." I gave I address then close the phone.

Jin was frozen in front of me, as he shakes his head. "No, No, No Taehyung please, No"

I pull him into a hug, as he brakes down crying. I was so angry, that I felt like hitting something, but I control myself, since Jin need me.

Soon the police can. It took hours to get all the evidence and statement from Jin and me. by the time the police left, Jin was sleeping calmly, it was Saturday afternoon. I had call Jungkook more then ten times, but he didnt answer.  I walk to the sofa and sat down. All sudden, I remember my friend Min Yoongi father was a private detective. He could find information faster then the police. I call him and ask Yoongi if he could come to my house. I explain what happen, and he say he be here with his dad in an hour.

By the time Yoongi and his dad and two other guys came to my house, Jin was already awake. We explain again what happen and who we think was the person that took Taehyung. They all began to make calls, as Yoongi and his dad watch the recording of the camera across the streets, in the computer.

Six hours later, one of the guys, said they think they found them. One of his underground person was told the ban was park in front of old house in Daegu. As Mr. Min call the police and gave the information to them, I heard cellphone ring from the table. I walk to the table and answer it.

Jungk: "Hello, Tae?"

"No... is me Namjoon." I said, I felt my heart break, as I look right at Jin. He was crying in the corner hugging Tae teddy bear.

Jungk: "Namjoon? Why did you answer Tae phone, where is him?"

I took a long breath as I said "I'm sorry Jungkook, Taehyung was. Kidnapped."



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