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Taehyung POV:



I remember the first time we came here. I didnt want to be around anyone. I didnt want anyone to see me. I felt like a monster with all these scares. I wouldnt leave the bedroom. But one day as was looking out my (Jungkook) bedroom window into the backyard, I saw a boy paying with a little kid. Namjoon had told me that this house belongs to Jungkook and the one beside us lives Jungkook sister Mrs. Jasmine with her husband and his brother. As I looked at them running around while laughing, I felt jealous. I remember the only time I was happy in my life was when I was with Kookie. For the first time in a long while, I wanted to be happy I wanted my Kookie. So, I decided to come out and face the world.



As time pass I became better with been close around people. after two major plastic surgeries and hours at day of counselling sections with Mr. Park, Jasmine husband. I began to feel more secure of been myself. My little self again.



Now after months has pass. I still cant believe that I look like my old self. Even better. Theres not even a mark or trace of any scares on me. Im happy but at the same time, Im scare. Scare of what if Jungkook wouldnt like me anymore, or what if he doesnt want me and have found someone better then me. I try not to cry but I felt a tear sly down my face.

I am sitting here watching a movie with my new friend Jimin. Jasmine brother-in-law.

Jimin was laughing when he turns to me. instantly he notices my tears eyes.

Jim: "TaeTae why are you crying?"

In that moment I couldnt hold it no more. All sudden, I start crying hard. I really wanted my Daddy Kookie, but what if he doesnt want me.

Jimin seeing me cry harder, panic.

Jim: !!!JIN!!!

Jin came running into the bedroom. The moment he saw me, he rushes to me and hug me.





It been weeks since the last time Taehyung broke down and cry. I thought he was better.


Jin: "what happen, why is Tae crying. What did you do?"


Jim: "we were watching the movie, but all of sudden TaeTae start crying and I dont know what to do."


Jin: "It ok, Tae. Im here. We here. Dont cry any more. we here for you."


Taehyung finally stop crying. He was still hugging me.

Jin: "can you tell me what happen"


"I... I w-want K-Kookie." Tae said.


Me and Jimin look at one at another.


Jin: "Are your chore?"

Tae look up at me in the eyes and whispers "D-Daddy" as a tear sly down his face.

My cell started to ring. 


Ring Ring Ring Joonie is Calling.  


"Ok, Ok dont cry baby." I tell Tae as I answer the call.


Jin: "Hello"


Nam: "Hi Princess"


Jin: "oh, hi Joonie"


Nam: "guess what, me and Jungkook are going this Saturday to baby Rose Baby shower."


Jin: "really"


Jin: "thats really good news"


Nam: "really, good. I have to go now, Jungkook is calling me. Bye princess."


Jin: "oh, ok. Bye"


I look down and notice that Tae has calm down and was watching the movie again.


Jin: "Hey Tae, guess what? Namjoon just told me that he and Jungkook are coming this weekend.

Tae turn to look at me with wide eyes. "R-Really"

Jin: "Yes, Baby"

I could hold it. I busted laughing, as I saw Tae jump up and start running around the room while screaming happily. he suddenly stops in front of me and ask "Eomma, T-Tae be p-petty like J-Jimin h-hair."

Jim: "TaeTae want to color your hair like me"

Tae: "Tae w-wants, pleesee."

Jin: "mall time."


Once again, I burst at laughing as Jimin and Taeyoung runs out the bedroom laughing and screaming, while I follow them. I felt a tear sly down my face, as I can finally see Tae really happy.





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