4- fine!*

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"So?" I ask.

"So don't kill me and why save me if your gonna kill me." He asks slowly putting his hands down. I watch carefully. Scrutinising he's face. He actually doesn't seem bad.

But looks can be deciving.

"Well it's not the first time I have saved somone and they betray me so I have good reason to kill you."

"Who said I would stab you in the back." He smirks with his hand in he's Jean pockets. He's also wearing a black shirt and a camo jacket.

"We need to go back. I dropped my bag and I need my stuff." He looks out the ally way.

"We? And why were you in there in the first place."

"I was looking for supplies but got lost in that huge house which lead to me finding a hord of zombies. Is that what you would call them, a hord or would it be a bunch or maybe a pack but packs are animals" He looks away thinking. Short attention span.

"Okay. We will go back but I'm watching you." I lower my gun and put it in the holster on my right hip. The left hip has my axe strapped. It's light weight and silver, something you would find in the Hunger Games.

"Let's go then" I wait for him to walk first.
We get to the house and he takes the bag which was resting in the entrance hallway.

"Why didn't you take it on our way out?" I question as we walk down the sidewalk.

"Because you were dragging me like a kid."

"Because I was saving you." I snap back.

"Thanks for that by the way" he smiles when I look at him.

"Yah." I awkwardly nod. We walk in silence until he breaks it.

"So you say you helped someone but got betrayed?"

"That is what I said." I sigh as I peak down the road before turning into it.

"So? What happened?" Had a feeling he was going to ask.

I sigh before deciding to tell him. It won't help him either way.

"Well, a month after the wall got taken down and the riot started, I was in a mall when I found two survivors. A girl and a boy both a few years older then me. I offered them shelter. They came home with me. I gave them food, water and a bed. The next morning- gone -they were gone. Gone with basically all my food, resources and weapons. I rushed to the door but it was to late. They had long skipped town." I look at Si with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I wouldn't do that."

"And how would I know Si and is Si short for Simon or something?"

"Just try trust me. One extra person could mean life and death and by the way. It's just Si. Creative right?" He smiles.


"You never told me your name." He nudges me and I glare back.


"And you'r questioning my name. What's Pilla short for?"

"Nothing" a heartbeat later...

"Where are we going?"

"I'm going to get supplies."

"Why not raid the houses around"

"Already did."

"All of them?"

"Yah! All of them!" A breath later...

"Why an axe?"

"Why the 20 questions!?" He shrugs and I ignore him till we get to the large mall.

"We need to be quit." I whisper at Si when we walk in. We tip toe through the Fourways Mall. I always would come here. Now the place is dirty, shattered glass everywhere, some dead bodies here and there. It's a mess.

I look to my right and see the restaurant where I came almost every birthday with my mother.

We walk up the broken escalators with Si trailing behind me. At the top I look down and see the Bounce I went to for a cousins birthday and right next to that is the bowling ally Naomi and I flirted with a couple of guys with.

I didn't notice I had stopped walking till Si tugs on my sleeve.

"You okay?"

"Uh, I'm fine. I'm good. " I swat his hand away and carrie on walking into different stores collecting supplies.

When we are done stuffing stuff into Si's bag, cause I forgot mine, we make our way back. Well I, I don't know about Si.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm going home, your going where ever you were going in the first place."  I grab his bag off he's shoulder. He raises a brow.

"So I'm not tagging along?"



"Because I don't know you."

"Then get to know me. Let me come and maybe some day you will even trust me." He smiles.

Why! Why! Why do I still have human nature? Why do I still have sympathy? Why do I still feel?

"Fine! But one wrong move and your dead. Got it?" I point my finger at him.

"Yes mam." He salutes with a big smile. Idiot.

This could be the biggest mistake of my life.

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