22- that was close*

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I tred quietly through the house with my gun up, a torch on and a belt knife.

I turn the corner following the light I shine. I hear a whine in a direction so I do something really idiotic. I walk towards the danger.

I turn into a room and amideatly get out and cover the torch with the palm of my hand.

What am I thinking?

I'm thinking fuck this shit I'm out but You never leave a man behind and a dog is man's best friend. 

Sweat trickles down my forehead and my heart beats erratically in the quit. Here goes nothing.

I slowly turn my head to look into the room but I scream when I come face to face with  gray, sharp toothed, black eyed face.  I shoot but get it in the shoulder.

I scramble up, turn and run. No. I sprint like my life depends on it, oh wait. It does!

I can here it screeching and running after me but I don't look back. I just keep running and thank goodness I have a good sense of direction because I see the light from the door coming closer and closer and closer and-

Really!? I trip over somthing and crash painfully into the floor but I don't stop. The adrenalin in my blood pushing me forward. Just as I'm at the door I'm grabbed at the ankle and pulled back. Again I fall on my front and I'm being dragged deeper into the house.

"No! Stop you mindless freak! Let go!" I turn onto my back and start kicking with the other foot but I see nothing so I barely get any hits. Just when I think I'm a goner a shot rings through the house. The hand on my ankle loosens and I don't bother checking where the sound came from when standing and sprinting to the door and out with the Zombie trailing behind.

When out, someone else runs out but I stick to the wall, pull out the knife and wait. A heartbeat later the zombie launches half himself  out and screeches as the setting sun burns it's eyes. I lift my hand and scream as I plunge the Swiss army knife into it's head.

It doesn't emideatly die, but crawls back inside and screeches like crazy.

I pant heavily as I fall on my knees in exhaustion. The person runs next to me.

"I'm here. I'm here" Ryder's voice whispers in my ear.

"We-we need to go ba-back and leave" I try stand but stumble because of the lack of oxygen to my brain.

"I got you" Ryder scoops me up bridal style and starts walking. I rest my head on he's chest as I try catch my breath. I see Legend limp out the house whimpering.

That was close.

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